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Anyone who has ever had a garden before has probably seen this dynamic in their past experiences. I can remember as a child my parents planting gardens in (what we called) a front yard, but it...
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Anyone who has ever had a garden before has probably seen this dynamic in their past experiences. I can remember as a child my parents planting gardens in (what we called) a front yard, but it was more like a "front field." Every season digging up that ground was a huge endeavor, as it wasn't the best soil in the world, and sometimes by the end of it, you wondered if it was really worth the effort. Very often though, I can remember after all the seeds were planted and we were waiting in expectation of what was going to come up and grow, we would occasionally find plants that we hadn't planted that season emerging that had been planted from the season before. One year, a cantaloupe came up in a place it wasn't supposed to be (because we hadn't planted cantaloupes that season) and as a result, we obtained a harvest of some awesome cantaloupes that we hadn't anticipated that had been seeded from the year before.
Some of you have planted things in the soil of your own life last season, and you went away disappointed that you didn't receive a harvest from those seeds, but what you didn't realize is that there's sometimes a carryover from the previous years. Some of those seeds that you planted years ago, that you thought were eaten by the birds of the air or something else, may still be lingering around dormant in the soil of your heart until the conditions of the soil become conducive for their emergence to take place.
Many of the seeds (words and declarations) that you've sown into your life and the lives of others around you are sometimes just waiting for specific circumstances to emerge within the soil, and when that happens you're going to obtain a harvest in places you won't remember sowing into. The seeds you thought that had died, or have not borne any fruit previously, are going to sprout when you least expect it, and a harvest is going to come forth from that situation and probably take you by surprise.
"So be patient, brethren, [as you wait] till the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits expectantly for the precious harvest from the land. [See how] he keeps up his patient [vigil] over it UNTIL IT RECEIVES THE EARLY AND LATE RAINS." (James 5:7 AMPC, emphasis mine)
The soil of your life and the seeds of the Word of the Lord will require the former rain (the teaching rain) and the latter rains (harvest rains) in order to come forth the way that they're supposed to. So if there's a delay, this may be the reason why. When God plants seeds, they will always yield a harvest; it's just waiting for the right conditions in the soil of your life to be met in order for them to spring forth. Preparation of your soil is the key. So as God is preparing your life (or someone else's) to receive the seed, allow the Holy Spirit to prepare the soil to receive it; and just like that farmer, be patient and trust that God will make it grow!
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Jan 15