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Several years ago after a very difficult time in my life, I was constantly praying:
"God, I want to hear your voice." One day, as soon as I had said this, I clearly heard God say bac...
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Several years ago after a very difficult time in my life, I was constantly praying:
"God, I want to hear your voice." One day, as soon as I had said this, I clearly heard God say back to me: "Craig, I want to hear your voice again."
I hadn't realized it, but over time, weariness, discouragement, and opposition had silenced me. I had become isolated and withdrawn. God was calling me to "unmute" myself and start to speak out what He had put within me. I needed to reclaim my roar.
In 1 Samuel 17, we are told that when David killed Goliath, the people of Israel raised their voices and shouted: "Then the men of Israel and Judah surged forward with a shout and pursued the Philistines..." (v. 52).
For forty days, God's people had been silenced by the shouts of the enemy, Goliath—his lies, threats, and intimidation. Fear had caused them to muzzle their mouths so they wouldn't draw attention to themselves. But when David won the victory on their behalf, they raised their voices once again. Their silence was broken. Their tongues were loosed. They let out a roar.
A girl I know once told me that as a child she had always been labeled by her mom as "shy.”
Since then, she had taken on this identity, and for many years she hid from others, never expressed an opinion, and rarely was noticed. However, one day her heavenly Father gave her a revelation through a powerful prophetic word that she wasn't shy. She was confident, bold, fearless, and fierce. This word broke the lies of the enemy that she had been living out for many years. She is now a great leader, speaker, and influencer among her peers. She has found her voice.
I wonder if you have come into agreement with the lies that have been spoken over you. Have you allowed others to define you rather than living out and fully expressing the unique person God has made you to be? Have you been silenced or shut down by something that has happened in your past? Maybe you compare yourself to others and think that anything they say is much more important or interesting than what you would express.
Over the past few years, many voices have been muzzled, cancelled, and shut down. And some have perhaps become battle weary, timid, and opted for a safe, quiet life. God is calling you out of hiding. Remove the muzzle. Break free of containment. Step into your space. Express all that He has placed inside you. Reclaim your roar! You are on the victorious side. The battle is won. The enemy is defeated, and therefore He wants you to let out a SHOUT!
Maybe today, you need to find somewhere and let out a shout of victory, a shout of battle, a shout of defiance, a shout of boldness, a shout of praise, a shout of freedom! Sometimes I do this in my car when I'm driving. It feels so good! Try it. It will let the enemy know that you will not be silenced any longer. The Lion of Judah lives inside you. IT'S TIME TO RECLAIM YOUR ROAR!
"David ran and stood over him. He took hold of the Philistine's sword and drew it from the sheath. After he killed him, he cut off his head with the sword. When the Philistines saw that their hero was dead, they turned and ran. Then the men of Israel and Judah surged forward with a shout and pursued the Philistines to the entrance of Gath and to the gates of Ekron..." (1 Samuel 17:51–52)
Listen! Listen to the roar of His voice, to the rumbling that comes from His mouth...After that comes the sound of His roar; He thunders with His majestic voice. When His voice resounds, He holds nothing back. (Job 37:2,4)
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