Hebrides Revival Revisitation
About a month ago I had a dream that set a new course of trajectory for our lives to cry out for revival/awakening within our respective city, state and nation with the emphasis on repentance and the release of the fear of t...
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Hebrides Revival Revisitation
About a month ago I had a dream that set a new course of trajectory for our lives to cry out for revival/awakening within our respective city, state and nation with the emphasis on repentance and the release of the fear of the Lord. I believe there will be a recovery of lost or stolen mantles and movements that were aborted in the early stages of development and where they left off, the Holy Spirit will revisit us again with a fresh wind of hope and expectation to see a move of God arrive on the heels of spiritual and moral decline.
My dream was set back in the days of the Hebrides Revival when God Stepped Down and turned an entire community upside down. That was one of the first sermons Duncan Campbell preached when attempting to expound on the immense awareness of the presence of the Almighty that gripped a community with the awe-struck fear and wonder of God. There was no religious entertainment or sensational advertisement. People came because God stepped down to find a place that could hold the weight of his glory and find a resting place for his presence to dwell and remain. This revelatory disclosure would prove to be one of the most profound moves of God as whole communities were gripped with the conscious awareness of the holiness of God and His absolute ravished desire to be with and amongst his people.
The scene was set back in the days of marketplace quarters where store vendors sold merchandise in the streets and families would make it an all-day event. Everyone was happy and friendly, stopping to talk to friends and strangers. There was an anticipation in the air as people started to make their way into a storefront transformed into a large auditorium. Chairs were stacked from front to back and the air was electrified as the people started to file in and find a seat.
The scene changed and we were back in our present-day standing at the entrance of a shopping mall when Keith Urban, Nicole Kidman and their small daughter (not sure if they even have a small daughter) stepped out of their vehicle to get ready for the show. Keith Urban unpacked his guitar and began strumming a few chords and the people started to gather around to hear this new music. Keith had an encounter with God and was inspired to write new music that carried the very presence of the Lord on it. This venue would be the first place he would play this new sound and the people were ready to hear it.
We all began to make our way into the auditorium to find a seat. The seating was set up in a U formation and wrapped around the platform so everyone could see and participate in this great assembly. We were drawn to find our seats on the right-hand side of the auditorium, closest to the platform. When we sat down, I could feel the Spirit of Prophecy had entered the room and the people buzzing with excitement as waves of revelation rested over the people. A gentleman a couple of chairs down looked intently at us and burst out with a prophetic declaration. He announced with a loud voice, “your family has the Campbellonian anointing, the Campbellonian anointing, the Campbellonian anointing.” He said it three times and then proceeded to explain in great detail the history of the Hebrides Revival and the part that Duncan Campbell had to play in that awakening. Immediately after this gentleman prophesied over our family the front of the auditorium opened up into a baptismal and knew there was a massive hunger and desire to be baptized among the people as God stepped down to rest upon the people. End of dream
I want to give context to this dream as I have since heard recent prophetic words regarding the Hebrides Revival and what did not come full-term in that day will be visited upon another generation to take up the call to cry out for another God-breathed awakening that will mark a people, communities, and regions as cities of refuge or sanctuary cities that were set apart unto the Lord in the time of spiritual famine.
Here is an excerpt of "When God Stepped Down," by Rev. Owen Murphy explaining the preparation that took place before the revival.
PREPARATION MUST PRECEDE revival! The Word of God, history, and the gracious visitation of God to the Hebrides emphasizes this fact. And that preparation must begin with God's people.
History turned another page when the Free Church Presbytery of Lewis met in the town of Stornoway to discuss the appalling spiritual conditions existing in their communities. While the haunts of sin were crowded, churches were almost empty. In many places youth had almost disappeared from the House of God and It seemed only a matter of time before many churches would have to close their doors. No one, however, ever dreamed for a moment that this special meeting was destined to be the preliminary to the amazing spiritual awakening that was to come.
Amongst the many who were deeply concerned about the desperate spiritual condition of the churches, was a little group of men who lived at Barvas, the district that was to become the center of the outbreak of revival. As they met in a little wooden barn, greatly burdened for revival for their community, and began to pray, there suddenly dawned upon them, like a flash of light, the great fact of God as a COVENANT-KEEPING God who had made COVENANT PROMISES!
"If this is true," they reasoned, "we can enter into a covenant with Him, and, if we keep OUR part of it, then HE MUST KEEP His!" Has God given a "covenant promise" for REVIVAL? Immediately the words of God in 2 Chronicles 7:14 came to them:
"If My people which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven…"
That night they entered into a solemn covenant with God, to take upon themselves the "burden" for revival for the community, to humble themselves, and to prevail In prayer UNTIL REVIVAL CAME!
Let me now take you to that little barn by the side of the road and see those men on their faces before God. They have gathered to pray but this is no ordinary prayer meeting. Here are men, led by their minister, who are there to do business with God, and at 10 o'clock at night they kneel down in the straw to plead with God that He would make bare His arm in revival.
For months they waited; for months they gathered in the little barn three nights a week and waited upon God until 4 and 5 o'clock in the morning, determined to wrestle with God until the answer had been given. Then, one night, a young man, a deacon from the Free Church, arose from his knees and began to read Psalm 24:
"Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart—he shall receive the blessings of the Lord."
"Brethren," he said, "We have been praying for months for revival, waiting before God, but I would like to ask you now: ARE OUR HEARTS CLEAN? IS THE HEART PURE?" In response to this searching challenge they fell upon their knees in confession, and rededication, and again began to travail in prayer, even more earnestly. An hour later, three of them were lying prostrate upon the floor—they had PRAYED UNTIL THEY WERE EXHAUSTED! By five o'clock revival had come. The barn was suddenly filled with the Glory of God, and the power of God that was let loose In that barn shook the whole community of Lewis.
That same morning, in a little cottage several miles away, lived two elderly sisters; one was 84 and the other 82 years of age. For many years they had sought the Face of God for revival and. knowing the others were waiting upon God, they had gathered around their little peat fire to spend the night in prayer. Suddenly, something happened! The Glory of God swept into their cottage. God then spoke to them, revealing to them the very man whom He was going to use—the Rev. Duncan Campbell, a Presbyterian minister, and a mighty man of prayer.
We all have a part to play in the greatest move of God the world has ever seen and it starts with us answering the call to intercede for a mighty outpouring of His manifest presence to find a place where He can rest his head. We have had visitations in the past that have laid in foundational truths that we stand on today. But a visitation of this magnitude must transcend a mere resurrection from the dead into a cultural revolution to change and transform the way society thinks and lives. We need our moral compass to be set to TRUE NORTH and reclaim what has been lost or stolen to be returned back seven times to a thousand generations.
I believe that crying out for revival/awakening is the first stage in crossing over the River Jordan and watch the waters be cut off and stand up in a heap for the people to cross over, for we have never been this way before. Joshua was instructed by the Lord to advise the people to sanctify themselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do great wonders amongst you. Then Joshua spoke to the priests, saying, “Take up the ark of the covenant and cross over before the people.” Joshua 3:5-6
I will end with a short video clip of Charlie Shamp's dream entitled, "The Door of Hope for America," which references the door of hope that Duncan Campbell had spoken of in his sermon entitled, "When God Stepped Down."
There is a "Campbellonian Call" going out to whosoever will take it up and ask for the spirit of prayer to come and yoke us with his burden to make a place for Him to visit and remain.
"The Door of Hope for America, by Charlie Shamp
Seasons of the Soul Ministries
Mark & Shannon LaFreniere
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