About Me:
Well, I have this compulsion to grab up & consume knowledge! I've had this NEED TO LEARN since I was a small child. What I LOVE about the Lord is that when I find, digest, & file that info away in my mental filing system He puts me onto something new & it's always exciting for me.
I also came to understand as a child was that information can come to you & you don't know what to do with it but, the Lord explained to me that I could have puzzle pieces (information) that don't connect to anything now but I perceived that the Lord would help me connect those puzzle pieces later when connecting pieces become available to me. And, during these last days of such fantastical events, I've been impressed by the Lord that MANY of those puzzle pieces are connecting in rapid fashion as knowledge is being flushed out into the world. Some days I feel completely dumbfounded at the levels of incredible data being vomited out & made available.
I clearly see four groups of people engaged with daily happenings without realizing the importance of the hour & how low the hourglass really is. Long story short ... if you don't know the Lord at this point, you MUST decide NOW which side of the fence you really are & want to be 'cuz fence-sitting is not a safety zone anymore ... TIME TO CHOOSE, and the TIME IS NOW!!