“God overlooked people’s ignorance about these things in earlier times, but now he commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and turn to him.”
In Athens, Paul follows his normal practice of visiting the local synagogue to talk about Jesus with the Jews. He also debates with the philosophers.
He is taken to the town council to address them. He talks about God’s purpose for the nations and urges them to repent of their sins. The councillors are bemused by Paul’s talk of the resurrection.
A few people become believers, despite the generally negative response.
Even when people are hostile or apathetic about the gospel, we are still responsible to proclaim the message.
Paul did what he could to express the gospel in the language that the leaders in Athens could relate to. He spoke to philosophers and city leaders, and just a few responded positively.
But those few started a congregation, a faith community. Those few would not have been saved if Paul had not shared the gospel.
In Australia we face a very similar situation. People generally are apathetic or even hostile to the gospel. It does not fit into their world view. People are comfortable in their sins and see no reason to change.
Regardless of this, Paul’s warning is still true. God has ignored people’s sins in the past, but that does not mean He will always withhold judgement. We need to continue to warn people that they must repent of their sins and turn to God.
We need to make sure also that we are living lives of repentance, continually turning to God. Our lives must confirm the truth of our words.
Lord I pray for my friends and family today. May they come to know your grace, turn away from their sins and follow you. Amen.