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My devotional today in my Daily Bible Study App (love my daily bible app)

Proverbs 11:12
He that is void of wisdom despise his neighbor, but a man of understanding holdeth his peace.

It is easy to lash out at others with a knee-jerk reaction but it takes wisdom and patience to hold our tongues or “hold our peace”. It’s not always the right time and place to shout out accusations at others even when others are in the wrong. And it matters also the manner in which we deal with others to their faults.

Teach me Lord to be patient with others, kind, forgiving tender hearted and meek. When it is right for me to speak out over a wrong done by someone else, help me to do it in the right way. Help me to know when to hold my peace and went to speak out the name in the name Jesus Amen.

As we grow in the Lord spending time in His word, and spending time in His presence, He teaches us to grow, baby steps at first, and then weens us each day, growing more and more into what He wants us to learn, becoming closer to Him and growing to be who He wants us to be.
We learn along the way, our faults, sins and the valley He brings us through. Everyone has their own valley and God doesn’t let us go through what we cannot handle, and for everyone that is different, so what He teaches us we can help others as they grow and go through their “valleys”.
God gives us wisdom. (we can ask Him) and from this wisdom we learn to turn the other cheek, when others hurt us, we either leave it be, or ask God how can we address this and solve it, as needed together. It’s so easy to lash out, striking, and the outcome is not good for both. We are ALL sinners and not one of us is perfect, but we can ask God to forgive us and we can forgive the ones who hurt us,
we then learn how to forgive and ask God for forgiveness. He will gives us peace and understanding, its all starts from the beginning, “our baby steps”

Ask God to help you today in your own walk with Him. He will teach you, where you are at, giving you wisdom, knowledge, strength, power, peace, and joy to get through what ever your “valley” is.

Renee Woskie's Album: Wall Photos