As, I lay here awake pondering on so many things, praying asking God for guidance and what He wants me to do, I see:
Struggles. Struggles are real, God gives each of us what we can handle. (each our own)
God picks us up, gives us faith and strength
and we get through.
We all are busy doing our own thing (life) and living in this spinning world, going this way and that way.
God gives us each of us gifts to use, to help others and ourselves. I want to use those gifts, spiritual and physical, ways to help others to feel better, live better and look better.
With God's help I can use these gifts for that purpose. I just don't want to sit on the sidelines anymore, so I'm going to step onto the field and get those goals, and use what God wants me to do.
God knows who He wants me to help and if you are struggling spiritually and physically send me a message. I have some ways to help, it's about stepping on that field and putting faith into action.