Photo 53 of 236 in Wall Photos

“Waiting”.....God hears our requests. He knows everything that is put before Him, even before we request it, and we “Wait expectantly”.
God knows what is best for us and He prepares us for that as we “Wait”.
Its a new morning, how much longer? What is God preparing us for? Why do we wait?
Sometimes God answers us right away, and sometimes we wait.....wait.
God is preparing us to be able to do what He has planned, strengthening our faith, building us strong to get through what He knows is best for us and that is not always what we expect it to be.

What we ask for and what He has, may be not what we attended, so we “wait”, we wake up each morning, laying our request before Him. And then in that moment, His moment our “request” is answered.

Father God You hear our requests and as we wait, You are preparing us for the answer, building our faith and strength to what You have for us. Thank You for new mornings and that You hear our requests and thank You for Your decision on what is best for us.
And I know that in “Waiting expectantly” is what is best for me, so as I wait, I will trust in You, Amen.

Renee Woskie's Album: Wall Photos