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Parashat Bamidbar In the Desert

This weeks Parashat begins in Numbers 1 and goes thru the 4th chapter. We learn about the people being counted, those who are able to fight and go to war. I believe God is counting His people now to see who is ready to go to war in the SPIRIT. We also learn about the LEVITES, and what each division of the Tribe is responsible for. We are also given the Lineage of Aaron and Moses which start with the names of Arron’s sons then goes into Levi and the name of his 3 sons. Levi had 3 son his 1st son was named Gershon, 2nd Kohath, 3rd Merari. Here is the meaning of each son:

Gershon - Refuge, Drive out from possession
Kohath - Ally oneself, Allied
Merari - Bitter, Grieve

I find these names very interesting how about you? Now lets see what Levi means:

Levi - To Unite, To Remain, To Borrow, Cleave or Join

Everything I read in the Parashats keep point me back the the Garden of Eden and the Creation of the world. We read in Genesis1 that God created the Heavens and the Earth. The word says that HIS SPIRIT hovered over the water and and HE SAID LET THE BE LIGHT (JESUS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD WAS ESTABLISHED). So before anything on Earth was created the FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT were all present.

Now God follows a pattern when He creates. If took all 3 parts of God to create the word and Man in HIS IMAGE. Now the pattern repeats with ABRAHAM, ISAAC, and JACOB / ISRAEL. Looks at the names of these 3 men:

Abraham - Father of a Multitude, Father of Nations
Isaac - Laughter, Joy
Israel - God Contends, or One Who Struggles With God

It took all 3 men to create the Nation of Israel. God used the same pattern He used to create the World and Man to create a Nation in the Earth. Now let's read this weeks Parashat and focus on the TRIBE OF LEVI. In chapter 3 of Numbers we Learn about the Levites and the divisions of this Tribe. They are Holy and set apart from all the people of God. They are a bridge to connect the people to God. We learn that Aaron and Moses as well as all of the Priests come from Levi’s 2nd born Kohath. The 2nd born of Levi is the holiest of all of the Levites. Now look back at the pattern to create the Heavens and the Earth and Man. Look back at the creation of the Nation. The name Kohath means to Ally Oneself. What did the Levites do to become the Holy, set apart Tribe? During the Golden Calf incident they are the ones who stood with God and killed 3,000 of their brothers. They ALLIED THEMSELVES with God and Moses. They then took the place of the 1st borns of Israel by being set apart and becoming the priests.

There are more patterns in the names of Levi’s sons: Gershon who’s name means REFUGE and Drive out from Possession reminds us of ADAM who was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Kohath who’s name means Ally Oneself or Allied is representative of JESUS our Final HIGH PRIEST. Merari who’s name means BITTER or GRIEVE reminds us of the HOLY SPIRIT. What are we told not to do to the HOLY SPIRIT? We are told not to GRIEVE Him. So here again the pattern is repeated that the 3rd son of Jacob Levi who’s name means to Unite, Cleve and Join is now joining the people back to God through the PRIESTHOOD. Do you see how the pattern has repeated?

Now as BELIEVERS in Christ we are saved by the HIGH PRIEST who has now made us KINGS and PRIESTS who have been JOINED to HIM to RULE and REIGN. We are ALLIES working TOGETHER to bring in the END TIME HARVEST. This is exciting news we need to proclaim from the rooftops.

I hope this encourages you today. If so please share with others.

Written by Chris James Hidden Treasures.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos