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In this week’s Parashat Aaron and his sons are ordained to the Priesthood. I strongly encourage you to read all of Jeremiah 7 not just the portion specified. I also encourage you to read all of Hebrews 7.

In the beginning when God created man and all of the animals God said, “it is not good for man to be alone.” God knew none of the animals He created would be a good match for man. Adam had to realize that the animals were not a good match for him. Once Adam realized there was nothing God created a suitable mate for him, then and only then did God separate Eve from Adam. Adam immediately knew something was missing. There was something inside of him that was no longer there. He then named her Eve and calls her the mother of all on the Earth.

Later God creates a nation then a Priesthood. God knew from the beginning that this Priesthood would fail. We learn how far the Priesthood falls in Jeremiah 7. God says He is going to destroy the Temple because of all the idolatry and pagan worship they allowed in the Holy Temple. He tells them to look back to Eli’s time as Priest where he allowed the Tabernacle at Shiloh to be sacked and destroyed. Don’t think you can keep sinning and there won’t be consequences. God knows the end from the beginning. He already knew the Priesthood would fail and a new one would have to be established. He just needed us to know that man will fail. Now that man knows we cannot save ourselves by following protocols because corruption always finds a way in. Now mankind knows he needs a true savior or Priest who is incorruptible.

Paul does an amazing job explaining God’s perfect Priesthood from the line of Melchizedek. Jesus is called the perfect Priest from the order of Melchizedek. Now Melchizedek was before the Priesthood God created from the line Aaron. Abraham gave a tenth of all he got from saving Lot and everyone else from Sodom and Gomorra. Then Melchizedek blesses Abraham. Now who has more authority the one who blesses or the one who is blessed. Jesus is from a line that has more authority than anyone else on the planet a line that cannot be corrupted. God knew from the beginning that we would need an incorruptible Priest. We did not know. Since we did not know God could not bring Jesus the perfect Priest until we knew we needed a perfect Priest.

God never gets ahead of man. He waits for us to catch up. Once we catch up He does a new thing. Humanity is starting to catch up so get ready for a new thing. It is coming

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos