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This weeks Parashat talks about the Priests Instructions, worthy and unworthy offerings, all of God’s Holy Feasts, oil and bread for the Tabernacle and the story of the blasphemer. Now I know you are saying this is Old Testament. This is all about the Law which I am now free from. And from a certain point of view you are. However there are concepts and keys hidden here about how we should conduct ourselves.

Our New Testament reading calls us Kings and Priest. So if we are now Kings and Priest maybe we should look at how a Priest should act. A Priest is not allowed to defile himself by touching death outside of sacrifice. The Priest is not allowed to shave his head or grow his hair too long. He must always be presentable. They are not allowed to cut their bodies. Cutting is a form of witchcraft which allows spirits to come into the one cutting. A Priest is not allowed to marry a prostitute or a woman who is divorced. He is not allowed to have a woman with baggage who will lead him astray or hinder him from doing his service to the Lord. His daughter cannot become a prostitute if she does she must be burned to death. We are accountable for raising our children to honor God.

Do you see how these rules can teach us to be a more effective Priest for the King of the Universe? We are not under the law, but we can better ourselves and be better by learning what the requirements are for a Priest to be Holy before the Lord. Even the clothes we wear are considered Holy. We should be more aware of what we allow onto our body. We are suppose to stand in the gap for those who have not yet become Holy. Even what we eat matters to God so it should matter to us. Are we taking care of His Temple?

We then learn about God’s Holy Holidays which is when the Priest serves at a greater capacity. We must be aware of God’s Divine Calendar. We are conquers and we can do all things. How much more could we do if we made sure we were clean and not mingled? What would happen if we celebrated God’s Festivals? These are set times when the windows of Heaven are opened. Stop saying the Old Testament is not for us today. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His Word is eternal.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos