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This week’s Parashat we read about blessings for obedience, punishment for disobedience and redeeming gifts offered to the Lord. The 1st 12 verses when you read them think all the way back to the Garden of Eden.

The 1st verse talks about idols and images that take the place of God. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is actually the 1st idol in our history. This tree took the place of God when Adam and Eve desired it more than God. The next verse talks about the Sabbath. There is no longer a Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to test us with. So now God is testing us with TIME.

After Adam and Eve sin the ground is cursed and it is difficult for man to reap the harvest. God says that if we obey Him he will make the rain come and harvest will overlap. There will never be any lack just as it was in Eden. There will be safety and plenty to eat.

God then say you will sleep in peace and no wild animals will attack you. He is giving dominion back to His people when they are obedient. God then says you will chase away your enemy. 5 will chase a 100 and 100 will chase 10,000.

God goes on to say He will make us fertile and multiply our people. He does this so He can fulfill His covenant He promised us. Now why does He do this for us? He does it so He can walk with us. He desires to put things back to the way they were in the Garden.

God desires to walk among us. He desires a relationship with us. Now the question is are you walking with the Lord?

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos