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This week’s Parashat has Moses teaching the Israelites a song God gives him that will save the Nation. God shows Moses that the Nation of Israel will fall away and tragedy will come. God shows this to Moses so he can do something about it even when he is gone. God gives this song in chapter 32 of Deuteronomy that we would not call a song by today’s standard. However God reveals in the song the Nation will fall. When they fall they will realize God has stepped away from them. They will come back half hearted. They will come back for the benefits of God, but not for a relationship with Him. Because of this God will take another step away from the Nation. Even though they come back to God things will get worse. As things get worse the people will eventually realize why things are the way they are. They will come back to God not for all His benefits, but to rebuild the breach in their relationship with God. They will finally come back to their 1st love.

How many of us love the benefits of God yet don’t truly serve Him with our whole heart. We live under His Mercy, and Grace. However He desires a personal relationship with each and everyone of us. He will step away for a season to help make sure our heart is healthy. He will step away again if we are only takers. He is a good, good Father. He will do whatever it takes to make sure we are who He created us to be. When we come back to God not for what we can get, God is ready to come running to us to restore all the benefits we loved and more. Why do you serve God? Do to serve Him for stuff? Or do you serve Him for relationship?

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos