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God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. The Spirit of God hovered over the water. God said let there be LIGHT. Here in this verse we see the FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT are all involved in creation. God does everything according to a pattern. When creating the Nation of Israel, God used 3 men, 3 generations, Abraham (Father of a multitude), Isaac (laughter or joy), Jacob (He will rule as God).

This week’s Parashat includes the only story there is about Isaac where he is not associated with the generation before or after. We have the story of Isaac who follows in his father’s footsteps. Isaac lies about Rebecca being his sister to King Abimelech just as Abraham did about Sarah. Isaac settles in Gerar and sows in famine and reaps 100 fold. He becomes the envy of everyone around. Later Isaac goes back to wells his father dug and reopened them. Every time he reopened a well the locals fought him over it. Isaac then moves and digs another well this time no one fights him over it. After no one fought with him Isaac built an alter just as Abraham did.

Isaac is the one of the forefathers we know the least about. I believe that is by design. He is the closest one to the savior who was yet to come. He did what he saw his Father do. Jesus at 12 years of age, was left in Jerusalem. When His parents came back for Him they asked Him why He stayed behind. His response is I must be about my Father’s business. Later Jesus say He can only do or say what His Father says or does. He is associated with wells. Jesus went out of His way to meet a Samaritan Woman at a well. Jesus called Himself, LIVING WATER. Isaac prepared a covenant feast for peace. Jesus prepared a feast where He gave us peace. He gave us His Body and His Blood as a sign of the covenant.

God uses the lack of information about Isaac as a mystery to hide Jesus. The time was not yet come for the revelation of the Savior. The for the Savior is now. The Mysteries are being revealed now for the final generation before He comes again.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos