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This week’s Parashat tells the stories of Jacob reconnecting with Esau as well as Jacob’s encounter with the Angel of God. We also read the rape of Dinah, the death of Isaac and Rebecca the descendants of Esau. The part I would like to focus on is the story of Jacob and Esau meeting after 20 years of separation. If we look at Jacob’s story we see his name means heel, or heel grabber, as well as supplanter.

Supplanter: to supersede (another) especially by force or treachery.
to eradicate and supply a substitute for

Look at the heel it is curved not strait. Everything Jacob does his whole life is in a round about way. He manipulates his brother to sell his birth right for stew. (External sources tell us that Esau hated Nimrod. Esau shot and killed Nimrod in a field during his hunt. In Esau’s point of view he was a dead man for his actions.) Jacob then lies to and deceives his father and takes his brother’s blessing. Even when Jacob encounters God at Bethel he goes in a round about way giving God a list of his conditions for giving to God.

Genesis 28:20-22
“Then Jacob made this vow: “If God will indeed be with me and protect me on this journey, and if he will provide me with food and clothing, and if I return safely to my father’s home, then the Lord will certainly be my God. And this memorial pillar I have set up will become a place for worshiping God, and I will present to God a tenth of everything he gives me.””

God just gave him the same promise, He gave Abraham and Isaac yet Jacob doesn’t think that is enough. He is trying to negotiate a better deal. He is even a trickster with God. After 20 years of being humbled by serving his father-in-law he still is doing things in a round about way. God appears to Jacob in a dream tells him it’s time to go home. Jacob leaves without telling Laban. Laban finds out, and set out to pursue Jacob. God appears to Laban in a dream warning him not to touch or harm Jacob. Something changes at this moment in Jacob’s life. From this moment on he takes on God and his brother face to face. The word tells us that Jacob initiated the encounter with Esau. Esau then comes out to meet Jacob with 400 men. Jacob becomes fearful and separates his family into 2 camps to save them.

Jacob ends up alone and he wrestles a man. Many say the man is an Angel of the Lord. I believe the man Jacob was wrestling was himself which took the form of the Angel. He is wrestling with his past. He is fighting wether or not he deserves the blessing given by his father. He is struggling with his name. Jacob wrestles with the Angel and himself and will not let go until he is convinced he is blessed. Jacob is reborn and changes. He is no longer the same nor is he allowed to walk the same. He is Jacob no more. He is now Israel “the man told him. “From now on you will be called Israel, because you have fought with God and with men and have won.”

Maybe you have gotten where you are by doing things your way. Maybe you have lied, or deceived to get what you have. Maybe you have told God if He does what you desire you will finally truly serve Him. God says He is ready for you to have an encounter with Him. He is ready to bless you and change your name. He is ready for you to step into your purpose. Are you ready to wrestle with God until He blesses you? Now is your time. Do not miss your day of visitation. Act now.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos