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Last week we read how Moses selected 70 elders to help him. In essence Moses created a government. Right after the 70 were selected God called the people to the mountain where His Glory came down. The people heard the audible voice of God. The people were fearful in a good way. They asked Moses to be their intermediary just make Him stop talking to us. “What ever the Lord says we will do.”

God is pro government we see that in Exodus God had a covenant meal with these 70 men on the mountain.

Exodus 24:9-11
“Then Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and the seventy elders of Israel climbed up the mountain. There they saw the God of Israel. Under his feet there seemed to be a surface of brilliant blue lapis lazuli, as clear as the sky itself. And though these nobles of Israel gazed upon God, he did not destroy them. In fact, they ate a covenant meal, eating and drinking in his presence!”

The future Priests were in the mix with the government on the Holy Mountain. Government and the Priesthood are called to mingle to lead the people and protect them. This is God’s plan. However man has allowed other influences to cause him to remove the Priesthood from government. When government does not have God in the center it will fail every time. We will read next week about this 1st government’s failure. They allowed the people to rule over them causing the sin of the golden calf.

For the past 3 years people have looked to the government to save them. They have even look to specific government officials current and former to be their savior. He is a little secrets that will help you as you move forward. No man can save you. No government can save you. No entity on this earth can save you. The only thing that can save you is JESUS CHRIST. He has already saved you all you have to do is accept what He has done for you.

God is real and He is calling the Earth to REPENTANCE. There is a God movement happening is Asbury College which is spreading across this nation and the world. The Glory is falling on the Earth. When did all this happen, Feb 8, 2023 when we are reading about the Glory of God falling on the Mountain of God. This world changing event happens when we read about the 1st nationwide encounter with God. This encounter changed everything. What is happening at Asbury, Lee and over 18 more sites is going to change the world.

I give one word of warning, do not let a Golden Calf be created out of this moment. There is no man leading this movement. Only the Holy Spirit is leading. The mistake Israel made is they considered Moses a God. As this movement takes off let it be God lead not man manipulated. When there is not a central personality don’t build an idol.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos