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This week’s Parashat God tells Moses how to prepare Aaron and his sons for their roll as Priests. The 1st thing God tells Moses is to prepare the Ephod. God then explains the stones that go on the shoulders of the Ephod. These are 2 stones one for each shoulder each have inscribed like a signet 6 tribes on each stone.

If we look back to last week’s Parashat we see 2 stones were the focus of the reading. The 2 stones were the 2 stone tablets of the covenant. When stones appear in the word of God they represent a covenant made between men and between man and God. Abraham set up stones upon each other as altars and memorials for what God has done. Jacob and Laban entered a covenant, they ate then set up stones as a marker they neither would cross it to harm the other. Now God has 2 stone tablets that is the law. He now gives the Priest 2 stones on his shoulders with the names of the 12 tribes. When the Priest enters the Holy of Holies God will be reminded of the Covenant because of the stones on his shoulders. This is a set up for our Lord and Savior Jesus who the word says that the Government shall be upon His shoulders. The government upholds the Law. Now we have Jesus on the inside of us. We now have authority and dominion over the government however we as a whole do not exercise our authority.

God then continues with the rest of the holy garments. Then God tells how to prepare Aaron and his sons for the Priesthood. Aaron and his sons had to be washed publicly at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting. Aaron and his sons are not allowed to leave the Tabernacle for 7 days. Moses had to sacrifice a Bull and 2 Rams to purify Aaron, his Sons and the Altar. The 1st bull belongs to God alone. The 1st ram also belongs to God alone. The 2nd ram belonged to God and to Aaron and his Sons. Only they could eat this offering. It could not be eaten the next day. Whatever was left over must be burned. Then they had to have the blood of the 2nd ram put on their right earlobe, right thumb, and their right big toe. The blood would also be splashed on the altar.

Have you ever wandered why the blood was placed on the right earlobe, right thumb and right big toe? Every time a body part of God is mentioned it is always the right side. The mighty right outstretched hand, or arm of God. You never hear about the left hand of God. The right side is the predominant or strong side of the majority of people. God had the blood placed on the right earlobe so Aaron and his sons will alway hear the word of the Lord. The blood was placed on the right thumb because without a thumb your hand is useless. The thumb represents the work that Aaron and his sons would do for the Lord on behalf of the people. The blood was placed on the right big toes so they would always walk in the ways of the Lord.

Today we are called Kings and Priests. We are also called the Temple of God. We can stand in the gap for those we encounter. We carry the presence of the Lord everywhere we go. We have to be set apart we are called to a higher place in Him so we need to be Holy.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos