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This week we have 2 Parashats. I would like to focus on the 1st one. The most notable part is Moses striking the Rock and not being able to go into the Promised Land. Our big theme this week is water. We have a big time Gap from this week’s Parashat and last week’s. Last week’s Parashat we were in year 2 of the wilderness and Korah Rebels and Aaron’s rod buds and producing almonds. This week we are in year 39 and we start with the water purification ritual. When someone is near a person when they die they become unclean. When someone touches a dead body they become unclean. When someone touches a bone even after the person has been dead for a long period of time they are unclean. They are unclean for 7 days. They must use the water of purification on days 3 and 7 of their uncleanliness. Why is God giving the Israelites these laws now? The people are about to go to war. They need to know how to conduct themselves with the death that is about to come and the uncleanliness that follows. They need to know how to protect the sanctuary and the community.

Next we learn that Miriam has just died and that for the 1st time in 39 years there is a water crisis. When we read the Jewish Texts we learn that when Moses struck the rock at Mt. Sinai and it gave the people water it was given the name Miriam’s Well. Miriam’s story is associated with WATER. We are 1st introduced to her when she follows Moses when he is placed in the Ark and set into the Nile River. When the Red Sea closes on Pharaoh’s army the people sing a song. After they sing, Miriam sings her own song. Fast forward now after 3 water crisis God tells Moses to strike the rock and it is named Miriam’s Well. Now Miriam in the 1st month of the 39th year dies and the people complain there is no water. No one mourns the death of Miriam because as soon as she dies the water dries up. Everyone for 39 years was living on Miriam’s faith. Miriam is now gone and her faith can no longer sustain the people.

God tells Moses to go get the rod from the tabernacle (Aaron’s Rod) and take Aaron with him and to speak to the rock. Moses is frustrated, and led by his emotions. He gets angry with the people. He calls them REBELS, then he strikes the rock with his rod twice. The rock then gushed out water enough for everyone and the livestock. God then tells Moses and Aaron that because they did not have FAITH and did not TRUST ME you (plural) will not lead the Israelites into the Promised Land.

Moses was supposed to teach the Israelites one last thing. Moses allowed his emotions to get the best of him. He allowed pressure to cost him the PROMISE. Moses showed the people when he struck the rock that God was in control and nature has to obey His command. The rock was forced to obey without a choice. Now God says speak to the rock. This time God is letting the rock chose to give it’s water freely. The people never learned that they have DOMINION over NATURE.

Jesus deals with this in the New Testament. In Mark 11 Jesus cursed the Fig Tree and the next day when the disciples walk by the tree they saw it withered. Jesus tells them if they speak to the mountain and tell it to move into the sea it will move. Jesus is showing the Disciples that they have DOMINION over NATURE and everything on the earth. You just have to BELIEVE. Jesus demonstrated His power over NATURE. He called winds to be still, He walked on water, He cursed the Fig Tree. He also said that greater things would we do than He did while He was on the earth. Learn the lesson today. All you require is the faith the size of a mustard seed and the world will change. What are you waiting for?

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos