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We have come thru Teshuvah. We have made our hearts right with God and man. We have repented for our mistakes. We celebrated Rosh Hashanah and made God the King of our lives. We continued to check our hearts thru out the Days of Awe. We celebrated the Day of Atonement and we have been forgiven, set free from sin and demonic influence. We celebrated Tabernacles God is with us. We now walk thru life hand in hand with the Father.

We conclude the Torah this week and begin it all over again next week. Before we start over in Genesis we read that Moses blesses the Nation of Israel and then is allowed to see the Promise Land. Joshua takes over as the leader and the nation of Israel begins to posses the promise.

Deuteronomy 33:2-5
““The Lord came from Mount Sinai and dawned upon us from Mount Seir; he shone forth from Mount Paran and came from Meribah-kadesh with flaming fire at his right hand. Indeed, he loves his people; all his holy ones are in his hands. They follow in his steps and accept his teaching. Moses gave us the Lord’s instruction, the special possession of the people of Israel. THE LORD BECAME KING OF ISRAEL— when the leaders of the people assembled, when the tribes of Israel gathered as one.””

When Israel submitted to the authority of the King of the Universe and they made HIM THEIR KING they began to be blessed. Moses begins the blessings of the tribes by stating God is their King. Each tribe has a specific blessing spoken over them which is still in tack to this day. We as Christians are graphed in which means we have a better covenant. As we are not a tribe we are graphed into to nation as a a whole which means we are entitled to every blessing spoke over every tribe. In Jesus we have access to 100% of the blessing not just one twelfth.

We are about to start the Torah over again. We begin in Genesis with creation. We learn who our God is and how nothing is impossible for Him. We then learn about ourselves. We learn how easy it is to fail when we don’t make Him our King. When we allow the influence of the world to be a stronger desire than our desire for God we are going to fail every time. As we end Torah this week and begin again next week remember to keep God in the center of everything you do and you will be successful. We just came thru the season of RESET. Have you RESET your life and aligned it with the the King of the Universe? If not now is the time. Season are short periods of time. Do not miss your window of opportunity. We are in a NOW SEASON!

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos