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At age 75 Abram begins his journey. God calls him out from his father’s house to a land he does not know. At age 86 Abram has Ishmael (God hears) with Hagar (the forbidden fruit). At age 99 Abram’s name is changed to Abraham. Sarai was 89 and her name was changed to Sarah. They are both promised a son. Because they both laughed they are told to name their son Isaac (Laughter). Abraham at his name change is given the sign of the covenant and promise of God circumcision. Everyone in Abraham’s house has to be circumcised. The very day God gave Abraham the word he circumcised himself, Ishmael and every male in his house. Ishmael was 13 years old when he was circumcised by his father. One year later Isaac was born.

After Isaac was born he was circumcised on the 8th day. When Isaac was weaned Abraham had a great feast to honor the occasion. Sarah saw Ishmael and Hagar making fun of Isaac. She went to Abraham and made him kick them out of his house. Abraham went to God and God told him to do what Sarah asked. God removed the forbidden fruit and her offspring.

The next event we hear about is the sacrifice of Isaac. Many people debate the age of Isaac at the time of this event. Outside sources such as the book of Jasher tells us Isaac’s age is 37 years old when Abraham takes him to the mountain to sacrifice him which will later be the Temple Mount. Here is something else the Bible doesn’t tell us Ishmael is back in Abraham’s house and Ishmael and Isaac are in a debate. Ishmael brags he was circumcised at age 13 and he did it willingly. Isaac comes back and tells Ishmael that even if God asked his father to offer him as a sacrifice he would willingly go through with it. Isaac is the one who caused God to ask Abraham to sacrifice his son.

While on the way Abraham took along 2 servants. The Bible doesn’t tell us who the 2 servants are, however Jasher does. Abraham took his son Ishmael and his closest servant Eliezer. According to Jasher they knew what was really going on. They even debate as to who will take Isaac’s place and receive Isaac’s inheritance. That is why they were left at the base of the mountain. Some of the people closest to you are just waiting for you to fail so they can come in and take what is yours. Not everyone can go to where God is taking you. Be careful of who you allow to get close to you. We are in a season where you have to have discernment as to who you take with you.

Isaac asks Abraham where is the sacrifice? Abraham says God will provide the Lamb. Isaac knows what is really going on. He is the Old Testament picture of Jesus. He willing goes with his father to the same place where Jesus was judged and determined He was guilty and had to be sacrificed. Notice Jesus’s Father lead Him to the same place just as Abraham lead his son Isaac. Both were willing to do whatever was necessary for their father’s sake. What are you willing to do for the Father’s sake?

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos