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In the Jewish culture Jacob is know as the man of truth. As we read last week’s Parashat we ask ourselves where in the world do they come up with Jacob as a man of truth? Jacob is a trickster. He manipulates to get his way. He tricks Esau into selling his birthright for a bowl of stew. He dresses a Esau and tells his father he is in order to get the blessing. We pick up on more of the same this week. Jacob sees a ladder into heaven where Angels are entering the earthly realm. When Jacob wakes up he sets up stones and makes an oath to God. Notice the oath is conditional.

Genesis 28:20-22
“Then Jacob made this vow: “If God will indeed be with me and protect me on this journey, and if he will provide me with food and clothing, and if I return safely to my father’s home, then the Lord will certainly be my God. And this memorial pillar I have set up will become a place for worshiping God, and I will present to God a tenth of everything he gives me.””

Jacob is trying to manipulate the encounter with God. Jacob feels less than and does whatever he can to get the upper hand. Jacob then goes into Laban’s home and works 7 years for Rachael and ends up with Leah. Laban takes advantage of Jacob and makes him work another 7 years for Rachel the wife he really desires. After the appropriate time to consummate the marriage, a week or so. Jacob is then given Rachel. This cause issues between Leah and Rachel. Leah never had her time with her husband. She was short changed. She was nothing more than a bargaining chip to her father. Jacob does not deal straight with his wives he lets them make deals amongst each other for his affection.

Jacob at the end of 14 years asks for his freedom. This is the 1st time he becomes direct with anyone. He does it now because he has the upper hand. He truly has paid for his family. He owns them now as he has paid the price agreed upon. Jacob makes a deal for his payment in livestock. He will take all of the black, spotted and speckled livestock. Laban agrees and removes all of the said livestock and gives them to his sons and sends them 3 days journey away.

Jacob now manipulates the system again and creates spotted, and black livestock with creating a reflection of trees that look spotted and speckled. As the animals would come to mate at the water they would see the patterns in the water as they mated and they recreated what they saw. When the weak animals would come to mate Jacob would remove the patterns so Laban ended up with the weaker livestock. Jacob is still manipulative.

If this is Jacob’s story why do the Jewish People call him a man of truth? It is in next week’s Parashat. When Jacob encounters the Angel and his name is changed he becomes a man of truth. He goes to meet his brother, who as far a Jacob knows still has the desire to kill him. Jacob has chosen to make things right. Even when he wrestles the Angel he refuses to let go until he is blessed. Afterwards Jacob’s name is changed to Israel and he now walks different. He is no longer the same man. He is no longer the heal grabber, or the manipulator. He is now a man of truth and deals with things head on. Jacob had the blessings of God, but it was the encounter with God after he came to the end of himself that made him a man of truth. You can have the blessings and favor of God, but if you have not changed into a person of truth you are never going to live your best life. Are you ready to be a person of truth?

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos