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This week we read the story of Joseph. One of the main focuses is the coat of many colors Jacob gave Joseph. Now everyone of Jacob’s sons were given a coat. Joseph however was given 2 coats. The significance is that Jacob considered him, the Bechor, the first born. This was partially true. Joseph was Jacob’s first born by his true love Rachel. Joseph however was not Jacob’s first born child. Rueben was Jacob’s first born son. Jacob caused a lot of the issues in his family because of his actions toward Esau and Isaac.

Joseph the favored child now works with his brothers and he brings bad reports about them back to his father. Joseph is a tattle tale he is trying to win favor with his father by ratting out his brother which caused them to hate him. Then Joseph shares his dream about his brothers bundles of grain bowing down before his bundle of grain. They began to hate him all the more. Joseph has another dream this time 11 stars, the sun, and the moon bowed down before Joseph. The brothers hated Joseph even more.

Jacob them sends Joseph to check on his brothers at Shechem. Do you remember what happened at Shechem? This is where Simeon and Levi killed ever man in the town because of the rape of their sister. This is a dangerous place where the brother’s anger prevails. Joseph goes to Shechem and his brothers are not there. A man sees Joseph wandering around and asks him what he is looking for. Joseph tells him he is looking for his brothers. The man tells Joseph they have moved on to Dothan. Joseph goes to find them as he approaches them they see him from a far off they make a plan to kill him. Reuben the eldest brother changes the plan and tells the others just to throw Joseph into the well and let him die so his blood won’t be on our hands. Everyone agrees to Rueben’s plan. The Bible tells us that Rueben planned to go back and rescue Joseph.

Later as the brothers were eating they saw some Ishmaelite traders go by. Judah said let’s not let Joseph die let’s sell him to the Ishmaelite traders. The Bible then says Midianite traders passed by and they drew Joseph out of the pit and sold him for 20 pieces of silver to the Ishmaelites. So did the brothers actually sell Joseph or did the Midianites? Either way the brothers are at fault. Notice how the Bible says that the Ishmaelites came from Gilead. This is where Laban met up with Jacob in search of his idol. Jacob then said whoever is responsible for taking the idol will die. Rachel died a short time later giving birth to Benjamin. However it is not enough to lose Rachel, Jacob also has to lose Joseph and later Benjamin. Jacob’s words and actions are catching up with him yet again. Jacob has transitioned into Israel a man of truth. The truth is headed for Jacob the question is what will he do? Will he continue to be a man of truth? When things come your way because of your past actions will you move forward or will you revert to your old ways?

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos