This week’s Parshat is on time for my life. God has just delivered the Israelites from Pharaoh. The Red Sea has just closed and Israel’s past has been washed away. Everyone sings a song of Praise. Miriam the Prophet Aaron’s sister sings another song. She sings praising God for the promise He gave her 80 years prior. The Spirit of God came over Miriam and she prophesied the birth of a son by her mother and father that would save the Jews. Miriam’s father went to his wife and they conceived Moses. When he was born a light filled the room. When the Egyptians came to kill Moses his mother place him in a basket and sent him down the Nile River. Miriam did not give up on the Word of the Lord. She followed Moses as he floated down the Nile to see what would come of God’s Word. Because Miriam followed Moses she reconnected the family for 2 years before he lived in the palace with Pharaoh’s Daughter. Now 80 years later the Word of the Lord came to pass. Miriam never gave up on the Word of the Lord.
After the Israelites are set free from their past life of bondage they complain about food and water. They have 2 water crisis. One is bitter water that was unfit to drink. God used Moses to clean the water by throwing a stick into the water. The other a complete lack of any water. God tells Moses to strike the Rock and water will come from the Rock. This rock is given the nickname of Miriam’s Well. It was Miriam’s faith at the Nile that God will protect and provide from 80 years prior which sustains the Jews 40 years in the wilderness. Miriam’s Well provided until her death 1 year before they entered the Promised Land.
You can’t live your life off of someone else’s FAITH. This week our house caught on fire. Our furnace began to smoke then burst into flames. At that moment no one else’s Faith is going to get my family through this. No one else’s trust in God is going to comfort us. It is our faith and trust in God that comforts us.
At the end of this week’s Parashat Amalek attacked Israel. Everyone came together ready to fight asking Moses what can they do. Moses tells Joshua to take some men and go fight. While they fight Moses is on the Mountian holding his hands up with the staff. As long as his hands are up the Israelites are winning when his arms come down they begin to lose. Aaron and Hur see this, they prop Moses against a rock and stand beside him steading his arms. As Aaron and Hur gave Moses a firm foundation they were able to balance him and take some of the load. Jesus is called the Rock. He is our Firm Foundation.
As we are going through the process of in essence being homeless. We have had Aarons and Hurs come along side us and lift our arms when things get hard. I cant survive on their faith. I have to have my own faith. Their faith can come along side of my faith and strengthen me. They can hold me up when I feel I am about to fall. They can carry the load a little while giving me time to catch my breath. They share their kind words and prayers that encourage me. Their faith combined with mine tells me everything is going to be ok. Maybe you are going through a trial in your life. It could be a house fire like what we are going through or it could be cancer. It could be the loss of a loved one or lost job. Let my faith come in agreement with your faith that everything is going to ok. This is not the end. It is the beginning of the next chapter being written. Your new chapter is full of the Promises of God and you are about to be blessed like never before. Stay focused on the one who sent His Son to save you. He is ready to come to your rescue.