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This week we read about the Sabbath Years and all the laws that pertain to these years. The captive are set free every 7 years. Every 50th year the captive are set free and they are able to go back to their original state in the community. Their family land returns back to them. They take back ownership of the Promises of God. In reality they return back to the land. They are the ones who left their position of authority and honor. They walked away from their position in the family.

During prayer this morning I felt the Lord leading me to read over this week’s reading. These are the verses that the Lord began to give me revelation on.

Leviticus 25:47-50
““Suppose a foreigner or temporary resident becomes rich while living among you. If any of your fellow Israelites fall into poverty and are forced to sell themselves to such a foreigner or to a member of his family, they still retain the right to be bought back, even after they have been purchased. They may be bought back by a brother, an uncle, or a cousin. In fact, anyone from the extended family may buy them back. They may also redeem themselves if they have prospered. They will negotiate the price of their freedom with the person who bought them. The price will be based on the number of years from the time they were sold until the next Year of Jubilee—whatever it would cost to hire a worker for that period of time.”

The foreigner that has become rich and powerful among us in our land is Satan. The Israelite who has sold themselves into slavery is our Prodigals. These are our lost loved ones. Even though they have sold themselves, they have the right to buy back their freedom at any time. If they are not able to buy their freedom any family member can buy their freedom. In order for them to be set free a price has to be negotiated and paid based on the number of years until the next Jubilee Year.

Now here is the rest of the story. Jesus has already negotiated the price for the Prodigal’s freedom. The price was paid on Calvary. The price is the precious blood of Jesus. Now you are aware of the Blood of Jesus, but did you know that every year in Christ Jesus is a Jubilee Year? Today is your day of freedom. You no longer have to be a slave. Your freedom has been paid for. Now you may have a Prodigal in your family. Their freedom has been paid for however you are the key to them being set free. It is your job to let them know. It is your job to go the foreigner and tell him the price is paid. You have to fight the legal fight. You have to bring Satan to judgement so he will let your Prodigal go. You have to be like Moses speaking to Pharaoh LET MY PEOPLE GO. Now that you know the truth go and rescue your loved ones. They are waiting for you to stand in the gap. DEMAND SATAN TO LET YOUR PEOPLE GO!!!

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos

1 comment
  • James Steele
    James Steele Deut. 23:15 Basically you are not supposed to return an escaped slave.
    Jer. 34: 8-22 Basically, in order to purify the land one of the things that must be done is to free the slaves.
    Slavery was never an intended condition for mankind.
    May 26, 2024