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This week we start the book of Numbers. Did you know the actual name is Bamidbar which means in the wilderness? The translators changed the name to Numbers as the book begins with the counting of the Israelites. Counting is a theme all throughout the book. We learn the number of fighting men in each tribe. We learn the number of Levites who serve in the Tabernacle. We learn where each tribe sets up camp around the Tabernacle. I normally would go into detail about this. However I would like to show you something I haven’t ever noticed before while reading this Parashat.

God has Moses count the people. God already knows how many people are in the camp. God knows Moses needs to know how many are in the camp. Notice the counting happens 1 year after Israel leaves Egypt. It is actual happens the 1st day of the 2nd month of the year. It happens in the month of Iyyar. Iyyar mean brightness or radiance. God is bringing to light what Moses has to work with. He is revealing or shedding light to the people His ways.

One month prior to the counting the Priests and Tabernacle were ordained and made Holy. Nadab and Abihu offer strange fire before God and are burned alive by the Fire of God. Aaron had 4 sons prior to the book of Numbers we only hear about Nadab and Abihu. In Exodus they were invited by God to come up the mountain to partake in the covenant meal with God and the 70 elders. Aaron’s other sons were not invited. Now that Nadab and Abihu are no more we are now introduced to Eleazar.

Numbers 4:16
““Eleazar son of Aaron the priest will be responsible for the oil of the lampstand, the fragrant incense, the daily grain offering, and the anointing oil. In fact, Eleazar will be responsible for the entire Tabernacle and everything in it, including the sanctuary and its furnishings.””

While in the background not getting the exposure of his brothers God was preparing him for the great purpose given to him in the verse above. You may be in a wilderness season where God is preparing you for your purpose. You may feel you are being overlooked. Chances are you are being overlooked. Take the time where no one sees you and perfect yourself. It is better to be refined when no one sees the mistakes then to be on public display for everyone to see. You may feel rejection. You may feel you are can do the job better than the one who is over you. You are probably right. The real question is are you mature enough for the position? Take advantage of the wilderness it’s the greatest gift God has given you outside of Jesus.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos