We finished the book of Genesis this week. Jacob is about to die. He blesses Joseph’s sons. He blesses his sons before he dies. We hear about the funeral of Jacob’s and all the details. But before all of this Jacob calls for Joseph and makes him swear not to bury him in Egypt. Joseph swears, but Jacob is not satisfied and tells Joseph to take an oath to not bury him in Egypt.
I don't know about you, but I find it interesting that Jacob makes Joseph promise twice. Jacob had 17 years of influence over Joseph before he was sold into slavery. 22 years later Jacob finds out Joseph is alive. Jacob then has an additional 17 years with Joseph before he dies. Joseph had a father who gave him nice clothes and gave him an education and authority. After being stripped of all these things for 13 years now Jospeh is brought to Pharaoh. After Joseph interrupts Pharaoh’s dreams, Pharaoh is impressed with Joseph. Pharaoh gives Joseph an new name, clothes, a ring of authority, a chain around his neck and a wife. These are all things a father does for his son.
Pharaoh had become Joseph’s new father figure. Now Pharaoh is influencing Joseph as a father does. Pharaoh gave Joseph a new name and identity. Pharaoh also gave Joseph a wife who was the daughter of the Priest of On. Now at Jacob’s death Pharaoh has had 26 years of influence over Joseph. Now Jacob is about to die. Jacob asks Joseph 2 times to swear and make an oath that he will be buried with Abraham and Isaac. Why does Jacob do this? Jacob needs to know who Joseph considers his real dad. Jacob needs to know am I your father Joseph or is Pharaoh your father. Pharaoh represents the world. Jacob represents God. Today we just entered into 2025 and God is asking who is your daddy? Is the world your Daddy, or is God your Daddy? We are about to enter the end of legal time. For those who do not know legal time is 2,000 years from the resurrection of Jesus. Legal time ends sometime between 2026 and 2030. We are at the end of time like Jacob is at the end of life and God is asking who is your Daddy? Today you have to choose.