Photo 52 of 78 in Wall Photos

You've Already Got It | Andrew Wommack | LW - YouTube

I listen to this message☝️over and over again to anchor my soul. It is refreshing, encouraging and a truth that I believe is necessary for us to hold fast to.

Remember to take EVERY thought captive and bring them into the obedience of Christ (yoke destroying • burden removing anointing)
2 Corinthians 10:5.

By the stripes of Jesus you were • already • past tense • made whole • nothing missing • nothing broken!

Stay steady and make you mouth do its duty.

Your words are are the rudder of your life and body.

Life and death are in the power of YOUR words. Proverbs 18:21

I asked Father God to have you receive all that He has provided for you in Christ Jesus our Lord and to strengthen you with His might in your innermost being in the name of Jesus, amen (so be it).

Karen Steadfast's Album: Wall Photos

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