The Prayerful Word - December 27

  • Romans 12:12 Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, and pray at all times.

    2 Corinthians 9:10 Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.

    Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

    2 Timothy 2:22 flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.

    Romans 8:38-39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Psalm 51:7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

    May you ask the Lord for His blessings in each season, for it is He Who brings all good gifts to the children of men in the appropriate time, making the storm cloud which produces the rain showers, which grows the crops which feed the people. But because they looked for their blessings from idols who speak deceit through the diviners, who see lying visions and give vain comfort from false dreams, the people have lost their way, wandering like sheep oppressed for lack of a shepherd. Zechariah 10

    May you follow the Lord as a soldier follows his commander, for He will care for His troops and make them as His beautiful and majestic horse in the battle, supplying all you have need of, establishing the standard you follow, equipping you with everything from the tent pegs to the battle bows. He shall train you in leadership so that you will walk in the victory of the overcomer when you encounter your enemy and shall utterly subdue him as a conqueror, treading down your foe in the mire of battle. Because the Lord is with you, you will fight and overthrow horsemen. Zechariah 10

    May you be ready for the answer of the Lord when He restores you because of His compassion for you, strengthening you in His salvation, as though you had never been separated from Him by sin. Your children will see it and be joyful, rejoicing in their hearts before the Lord when He calls them and gathers them in through His redeeming grace. Though they are scattered far and wide, they will remember the God of their youth through Whom they survived and to Whom they now return. Though they pass through the sea of trouble, the Lord Himself will subdue the surging sea and all the depths will dry up as the ancient powers are brought down and the world's authority passes away. The Lord will strengthen them by His hand and they will walk in His name; this is what the Lord declares. Zechariah 10

    May you properly value Christ in your life, recognizing the beauty which His favor brings into your life. By doing this, you can rightly discern the Body of Christ and honor the bands of fellowship and unity which He has established, empowering you to care for those who have lost their way, seek for the young who have wandered off, bring healing to those who have been injured with no one to defend them, and to feed the healthy. Zechariah 11

    Know that you will surely meet resistance as you follow Me in humble obedience, for I will strip you of all worldly weaponry and every defensive measure. This will make you an obvious and glaring target for those who follow wicked ways and are influenced to seek out those weaker than themselves to steal from and prey upon.
    I will allow you no means to retaliate when set upon by others, neither by sharp and clever words or by demeaning and harmful deeds, for they are not your enemies. You will speak My words, and the Spirit will prick their hearts.
    Some will respond in repentant sorrow, seeing their error and drawing to the light as they move from death into life, while others will draw back into darkness, attempting to hide what the light of My truth reveals, driven to try removing the source of that light.
    I will be with you to confirm My words in your mouth. I have given you spiritual weapons which are successful and spiritual defenses which are effective against the powers and principalities that are the true sources of the attacks against you. These battles are fought in private, through prayer, shut in with Me, for I am your Deliverer and I am your Hope.
    I have upheld you from your mother's womb. I will not abandon you, but will make you more than conquerors, even though I may lead you through difficult times and many afflictions.
    Know that I will not allow permanent harm to come to you, but will bring to you an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison. As you are obedient, I will do the rest.

    May you hear the voice from heaven, speaking quietly in your heart, drawing you closer to the Lord, urging you to focus on Him, to set aside other preoccupations so you can learn of Him from His Word, and to trust His promises so that in peace, your mind and heart can be stayed on Him. In the quiet to which He is urging you, practice hearing His voice and conversing with Him, heart to heart, learning of His love, and letting your love grow in response as you develop the close intimate relationship that you have hungered for, and that He delights in. Then He can place His seal upon you and send you into the chaos of the harvest-ripe marketplace, knowing you will not be enticed by the offer of riches or seduced by the worship of power, neither sharing in the sins nor receiving any of the plagues. Revelation 18

    May you praise the Lord with all that is in your soul for as long as you shall live, for you know enough to not trust in mortal men, who cannot even save themselves since their plans come to nothing on the very day that they die. But because your hope is in the Lord your God, the One Who remains faithful forever, and your help is from the God Who is the Maker of heaven and earth, He will uphold your cause. Psalm 146

    May you praise the Lord Who reigns forever, defending the oppressed, feeding the hungry, setting prisoners free, giving sight to the blind, and lifting up those who are bowed down. He loves the righteous and watches over the foreigner, sustaining the fatherless and the widow, but frustrating the ways of the wicked. Psalm 146
