Isaiah 40:31 But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.
John 1:12 as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name:
Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away
Psalm 23:3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Ephesians 2:8-9 By grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast.
Isaiah 40:8 The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.
May you understand how the Lord has loved you, for many have been given the opportunities to know the Lord and receive the blessings He has offered but they have turned away, refusing His love and rejecting His presence, preferring other pleasures and seeking different purposes, yet you have chosen Him and accepted His name, giving the Lord honor in your life, declaring the greatness of God before all to whom the Lord brings you. Malachi 1
May you show the respect due to your Lord and your God, certainly at the very least as much as a child honors the parent, an employee obeys the employer, or a servant respects the master, and how much more deserving of your regard is your Creator Who has original rights of ownership over His creation, and then how much more besides does the One deserve Who paid His enemy's asking price for you, becoming your Redeemer? Malachi 1
May you not show contempt for the Lord by disrespecting His majesty or trifling with His grace, giving mere lip-service to His praise while contemplating other desires in your heart, by taking the time left over at the end of the day to seek the Lord in a distracted, half-hearted way, by skimming the scriptures in order to have time for the daily news, because what relationship can grow intimately under those conditions, and who would feel honored when afforded that type of attention? Malachi 1
May you realize the truth of how majestic the Lord Almighty is, and how highly His name is honored by the nations who have not known Him before, as they give pure offerings of heart-felt praise to God Almighty, dedicating their best efforts and their first-fruits of time, because those who have seen great forgiveness come into their lives will not stop until they have given great honor and reverence to their Savior, considering it a privilege to be broken and poured-out in His service. Malachi 1, Luke 7, Philippians 2
May you be blessed by the Lord when you give Him an acceptable offering, one that is worthy of the great King, Whose name is formidably awesome and reverently respected among the nations. Malachi 1
May you set your heart to honor the Lord Almighty, giving ear to His Word and respecting His commands, that His blessing may be with you and with your children, rather than His curse which is given to all who will not hear and obey, and that His covenant of life and peace may be with you as you give Him reverence and stand in awe of His name, speaking true instruction and abstaining from falsehood, that you may walk with Him in peace and uprightness, turning many from sin. Malachi 2
May your lips preserve the knowledge of God, and from your mouth may men seek instruction as from a messenger of God, as you walk circumspectly before the Lord, staying true to His word and bringing encouragement to the downcast, strengthening the weak in the faith, giving stability to the double-minded, showing no partiality in matters of the spirit or favoritism in carrying out His instruction, for we all have one Father and we were all created by one God, therefore we honor His covenant by keeping faith with one another. Malachi 2
May you guard yourself in your spirit and do not act despicably by wearying the Lord with words which justify wicked practices, thereby deceiving yourself and affronting God, denying His patience and longsuffering by claiming He does not care that evil flourishes, and that He will not punish those who seek their own pleasures as they flaunt His commands. Malachi 2
Be thankful, My child, for the reconciliation you have in Me. All that I willingly endured in My body was to bring you, antagonistic in action and hostile in thought, separated and isolated from your Creator, into the presence of your Father God in a holy and blameless condition, beyond reproach in word, thought or intent – acceptable in every way.
Is there a greater miracle you can envision? Has there been a more vivid demonstration of love? Has there been a greater gulf spanned? I have done for you that which you could not, that which was impossible for you to do, so you could stand in My presence with great joy giving glory, praise and honor to the One Who has all majesty, dominion, and authority for all time and forever.
Be diligent, My loved one, to continue, faithful in the hope you have received from the ministry of My Word, for it will keep you spotless and blameless, steadfast and firmly established, beyond reproach, in the peace of sincerity and innocence, even while surrounded by, and in the midst of, a crooked and perverse generation who fret over My truth and doubt My promises in the darkness of their own lives.
I have placed you among them so that My light can shine through you and draw whosoever will. Do not draw back from My work, do not quench the working of My Spirit, do not put a covering over your lamp. Rather, be that city on the hill and let your light shine in order for even more to step up and join you in glorifying your Father in heaven.
May you anticipate with joy the time when the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, prepared as a bride dressed beautifully for her husband, will descend out of heaven, and God will dwell with men, living with His people, wiping every tear from your eyes. He causes the old order of things to pass away so there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for He makes everything new, granting all this as an inheritance to him who overcomes. The Lord gives without cost to him who is thirsty water of life springing up, for He will be your God and you will be His child. Revelation 21
May you sing to the Lord a new song, sharing His praise in the assembly of the saints, and may you rejoice in your Maker and be glad in your King, praising His name with dancing and making music to Him with instruments. The Lord takes delight in His people, crowning the humble with salvation so that the saints may rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds. Psalm 149
May the praise of God be in your mouth and a two-edged sword in your hand to inflict vengeance on the principalities and punishment on the powers of the air, binding the spiritual authorities who resist the will and the word of God, and carrying out the sentence of God against them, for this is the glory of all who know and embrace the goodness of God. Psalm 149
May you please the Lord, as a wife of noble virtue pleases her husband, bringing Him good, not harm, every day, working with eager hands, spending time to gather good things from places far from where many people are willing to go, rising early to feed many, working vigorously with arms strengthened by regular use, staying up late working to provide for those in need, with open hands to the poor and extended arms to the needy, covering those who are cold with the warmth of the love you have received from Him. Proverbs 31