1 John 4:10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Romans 2:4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?
Psalm 73:23 Nevertheless I am continually with You; You have taken hold of my right hand.
Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace
Romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Colossians 3:15 Let the peace of Christ [the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him] be the controlling factor in your hearts [deciding and settling questions that arise]. To this peace indeed you were called as members in one body [of believers]. And be thankful [to God always].
May your heart be tender toward the Lord, awed by His majesty and obedient to His command, regarding the holiness of His presence with fear and the magnificence of His power with joy, that you may live and give witness with thanksgiving to His ability to change your life. Exodus 19
May your obedience to the commands of the Lord come from your love of God, lest your walk be outward only, coming from your love of men's praise, causing your heart to be far from God. Exodus 20
May you embrace the testing of God, so that the reverential awe and respect for God will be with you to keep you from sinning. Exodus 20
May you worship the Lord your God, joining with esteem and acceptance in your heart for all who seek Him humbly and honestly, not raising yourself above others by your own efforts lest your secret shame be revealed. Exodus 20
May you recognize the benefit of your emotional poverty and spiritual time of need. It first turns you to the Lord to see Him as a Master to serve; then, when relationship develops, it allows you to see Him as a beloved Source of all good and perfect gifts, as well as the blessings of life which He bestows on you. Through this, you can confess before others your willing and freely given acceptance of His awl through your ear, testifying that He is worthy to be trusted and relied upon as your Master for life and eternity. Exodus 21
May you give room in your heart for the grace of God toward others. Though they cause you painful harm and take from you forever what you cherished, yet you see by the Spirit that you have gained, through the sacrifice of Christ, so very much more than you have lost. In this, you can find the way to give to God the right of redemptive judgment that brings life, freeing you from being a victim to being a conquering victor over your own knowledge of good and evil. Exodus 21
May you not be distracted from the truth of the kingdom by material concerns, but ever stay focused on the eternal truths that outlast the temporal issues. Matthew 23
May you enter the kingdom of heaven with company, bringing a harvest that God has directed you to. Matthew 23
May you demonstrate how love comes dressed in work clothes and gloves as you care for the needs of the widows and defend the rights of the fatherless by bringing the merciful and righteous judgments of God to those crying to the Father for help. Matthew 23
May God give you His vision to see the needs of those next to you, wisdom to speak His words of life, boldness to call on the Spirit's power, and humility to give God's glory to Him. Matthew 23
Depend on Me, My child, more and ever more deeply. Do not tally up your strengths and skills, or your contacts and owed favors, or your knowledge and life's wisdom, for these draw you from Me and will fail you when times change.
Learn of Me, My love, knowing that I change not, and My compassion for you never diminishes. Relinquish your earthly crutch, your emotional dependence, and learn to lean on Me, your Rock, your eternal Support.
Rise with Me and soar in the spirit, even though you have previously despaired of ever standing again. I know your pain and I have experienced your injury. The same Spirit of the resurrection that opened the grave is Mine to give to you.
Walk with Me, run with Me, let your heart leap with joy in My presence, for I have wept with you in your sorrows and have carried you when you could not go further. Open the windows of your heart to the winds of My spirit and grow strong in your faith, though your flesh grows weak. Know that more is done in My kingdom by resting in My promises than is ever accomplished by perspiring in your strength.
I will make you a road-builder, My chosen one, that the way of the Lord, the King's Highway will be made straight and clear, easy to travel for the blind, the lame, and the halt. You will bridge rivers, fill in the low spaces, cut through mountains, and drain swamps that block the pilgrim and hinder the searcher.
Great and mighty projects will I do through you as you choose to release the supports that bind you to the earth and learn to lean totally upon Me. Come, My child, take the step of faith into My arms.
May you hold the things of God in reverence and acknowledge His holiness through your obedience. Matthew 23
May you obey the first principles in your heart by loving God with all you have, and letting His love for others direct your path, for then you will find that you have obeyed all the law and prophets to the smallest detail. Matthew 23
May you submit your will to the will of God, bring your thoughts into subjection to the mind of Christ, and open your heart to the cleansing and renewing of the Spirit, for when the inner man walks in the ways that please the Father, the outward circumstances will take care of themselves. Matthew 23
May you honor the Christ within others, valuing and encouraging the saints of God, receiving with humility the spirit and the word of God from the least of those who follow the way of love. Matthew 23
May you allow yourself to be gathered with others together in the Lord, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and may you give honor to those who come in the name of the Lord. Matthew 23
May the Lord, your Rock of safety, help you as you plead with Him, lifting your hands to heaven and imploring His help, for if He were to refuse you help, you may as well give up and die. Psalm 28
May the Lord make a distinction between you and those who are dragged away to the punishment they so richly deserve for speaking cordially to their neighbors as an angel of light while harboring malice in their hearts, caring nothing for God or what He had done or what He has made, therefore He will dismantle them like old buildings, never to be rebuilt again. Psalm 28
May you praise the Lord, Who is your strength and shield from every danger, for He has heard your pleadings for mercy as you trusted He would, and you have been helped, therefore joy rises in your heart until you burst out in songs of praise to Him. Psalm 28
May the Lord protect and defend His people, saving His anointed ones by His strength and blessing His chosen ones from His fortress of salvation, bringing victory to His inheritance, and leading them like a shepherd who carries them forever in His arms. Psalm 28
May you keep godly teaching always in mind and stick to it, obeying it so that you may live, guarding it as your most precious possession, keeping the words of it written deep within your heart, and loving wisdom like a sweetheart that you make a beloved member of your family. Proverbs 7:1-5