1 Peter 5:6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,
Revelation 19:8 It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
Isaiah 40:31 Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Micah 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does YHWH require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
John 14:15 If ye love Me, keep My commandments.
Luke 18:14 …for everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, but he who humbles himself shall be exalted.
May you be willing to come in submission before the Lord as a new-born, setting aside all personal status of age, ability, and experience, and let God make of you a servant in His image, separated to and dedicated for, obedient ministry to Him for His people, just as the Levites had to shave themselves completely, removing, and revealing. Numbers 8
May you follow the Lord one day at a time, always keeping your eyes on Him, watching and listening to know how long to stay, and where next to go, trusting God for the resources needed at the time. Numbers 9
May you have eyes to see the coming of the Son of Man in His people with great authority and integrity, well before the world sees Him come in the clouds with great power and glory. Mark 13
May you resolve to place your trust in the Lord, knowing that He is fully aware of your weakness and frailty, relying on His uncritical and non-judging compassion to give you resources that will carry you beyond your limits, but understanding that He will cut short the times of trouble that the evil one has planned, lest none of the elect would survive. Mark 13
May you be alert and keep watch, for you do not know what will happen next; only the Father knows, therefore you must stay focused on Him, and practice His presence, acknowledging Him in all you do, everywhere you go, everything you say, that your words and deeds may be from His heart, through His spirit and to His praise. Mark 13
Relax, My child, and know that you are My chosen one. You have nothing to prove. I selected you, and called you, and redeemed you. I know your very fiber and being, for I created and shaped you, all by Myself, not assigning the task to My angels, nor leaving the process to random forces with unforeseen vagaries. I take all responsibility for what you started out as, and I bear all accountability for how you have turned out, for I have walked with you always, even when you were in enmity to Me.
I have shaped you for the work I have assigned you, and I continue to refine you for tasks to come, which you are not yet prepared for. I know your strengths, for I placed them in you. I know your weaknesses, for I planned them for you. Understand that you exist for My glory, not for your convenience.
Why do you rejoice over your strengths, skills, and talents, as though they were to your credit? Did you create and develop them, or simply discover them in you where I had placed them? I gave them to you for others who will rely on them and bless Me for them.
Why do you complain about the weaknesses that you constantly struggle to overcome as though they should not exist? Do you feel they are blemishes to My discredit? I planned, designed, and created them, specifically for you, My selected one. It is through your weakness that My strength is demonstrated; it is by your weakness that you are reminded to turn to Me and seek to stay close to Me. It is because of your weakness that others are encouraged to seek the same grace for their lives that I have shown to you.
That is why you will gain more weaknesses as you grow older and mature in Me. “The glory of a young man is his strength.” But the glory of the old is the wisdom I grant as strength departs, and I become the Source, the Strength, the Joy, the Grace, the Love, the very Life and Breath that you depend on. In that, I am honored richly and My glory is declared broadly.
Relax in Me, My dear one, do not demand or complain, but accept all that I desire to do with you, and through you, taking delight in My plans and purposes for you, for you are My chosen vessel, whom I love and cherish.
May you love God's instructions and seek them every morning, binding His words close to your heart and mind every day, continually abhorring evil and shunning wicked practices, always using your mouth for good and harnessing your tongue for integrity, regularly speaking encouragement to your brother and continually building up those who are closest to you. Though you have done these things in an ongoing fashion and God has remained silent, He is preparing to embrace you and will proclaim before men His deep pleasure in and enduring affection for you as one in whom the King takes great joy and delight. Psalm 50
May you give true praise to the Father, which is a worthy sacrifice, for it greatly honors God, and it prepares the way for Him to show you the salvation of the Lord. Psalm 50
May you gather in confidence with God's consecrated ones, who by sacrifice have made a covenant with Him, to stand before the Mighty One, the Lord, to receive, with complete fairness and perfect righteousness, God's judgment from out of the devastating fire and raging tempest that swirls around Him. He wants our true thanks, our promises fulfilled, and for us to call on Him in our day of trouble so He can rescue us, and we can give Him glory and honor. Psalm 50
May the way of the Lord be your strength and your refuge, as it is for all the righteous, though it is the ruin of those who do evil. Proverbs 10:29
May you never be uprooted, but remain steadfast and solid in the Lord as do all the righteous in God's blessings. The wicked will not remain, but will be swept away and removed from remembrance. Proverbs 10:30