Peaceful Waters

  • Peaceful Waters
    The LORD is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He lets me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water. (Psalm 23:1-2 GNT)
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    God is our Shepherd who gives us everything we need and also provides a place for us to rest. Today’s verses bring up an image of peace and tranquility, something that so many of us are needing at this moment.
    Sheep cannot be driven. Sheep hear the shepherd’s voice and follow him, just as we listen to Christ's Word and obey Him. The image of still or peaceful waters is rich with the sense of comfort, care and rest. It may also represent love, peace, beauty and harmony. God desires us to trust in His promises without worrying about anything. He refreshes us with the water of His word so that we will never be thirsty again. 
    Let us choose to always drink from the living water of Jesus. If we ask Him, he will lead and guide us as the Shepherd to streams of peaceful water. And with that He will fill us with His comfort and peace.
    A great many people are trying to make peace, but that has already been done. God has not left it for us to do; all we have to do is to enter into it.
    - Dwight L. Moody
