From Half to Whole

  • Hello friends. Wednesday, while I was participating in a related webinar, the LORD placed it on my heart to transform my platform of "From Half to Whole: Healing After the Death of a Spouse," from a widows group to a grief coaching group so that more women in need of healing from trauma and grief may be reached in His Kingdom. I'm requesting input from members and non-members of this group. Thank you so much and God bless.


  • Terri Becker
    Terri Becker That is very awesome Cinda... I am a “breast cancer survivor” and I know how when I hit Rick bottom in fear and that consuming feeling of being utterly alone in my fear... I did make that “choice” to seek a support group... a “life line”.......  more
    April 26, 2021 - Report
  • Terri Becker
    Terri Becker **rock bottom.... oops XAPiT does not have an edit feature??? Ah oh I am in trouble... ha ha ha
    April 26, 2021 - Report
  • Cinda Abbey
    Cinda Abbey Hi Terri. Yes it does have an edit feature. Just press on your text and you'll get options and edit is one of them.
    April 26, 2021 - Report
  • James Smith
    James Smith Thanks for sharing your condition and God bless you..
    September 21, 2021 - Report