The Watchmen On The Wall » Discussions

Attention Prayer Warriors and Intercessors

  • Leader
    July 9, 2020

    Attention Prayer Warriors and Intercessors

    We are inviting believers in Christ Jesus that are born again of the Spirit of Christ (adopted), baptized into His death, burial, and resurrection life (water baptism) and have the baptism of the Holy Spirit (power from on high) and have an earnest call or deep desire to pray and intercede for those that have needs that cannot be met in the natural, that are in need of divine intervention, to join us in unified prayer and supplication as needs are posted. We ask that you type a prayer or a word if you feel the Lord is speaking about a situation, sickness, etc..... We do ask that if you only become a part of this group if you believe and have faith for others to be touched and healed by God's Holy Spirit. Please pray and see if the Lord is calling you to the "The Watchmen On The Wall". Jworship.pngP

