Hear The Lions Roar Remnant Christian Army » Discussions

Hear The Lions Roar_Encourage One Another!

  • October 8, 2022

    Saturday, October 8th, 2022 Dear Fellow Warrior Lions and Warrior Lionesses in Hear The Lions Roar Remnant Christian Army and all in the Global Endtime Remnant Warrior Bride of Christ, All members are free to post anything here in our group that Jesus' Holy Spirit leads you to post as often as you like. We as The Body of Christ Jesus, are to daily, or as often as are led to "Break Bread" with one another. Since we are an online group and having Communion and eating/fellowshipping together physically isn't practical or possible, let's all try to encourage each other, and ourselves, in The Written Word of God. If any of us need prayer for ourselves, our families or for anything or anyone, just make it known to David or I or simply post the situation publicly for corporate intercessory prayer. If there are specific biblical topics you would like to discuss or study as a group, let us know! We will do our best to accommodate every request. We will always submit your requests directly to Jesus' Holy Spirit Who is Leader of us all, always. David and I wish that it were possible to invite you to Fellowship with us just as The Disciples and their families did daily in The Book of Acts. Perhaps in the future God will provide for us an appropriate venue to host an in person Gathering during His Great Outpouring of His Glory. Only God knows. At the very least, and it is not least, we will all one day, meet and sup together at The Marriage Supper of The Lamb. Until that great and Glorious event, we wait expectantly being about The Master's Business which is Saving Souls, Eternal Souls to make His Adopted Family complete. If you are God's Daughter or God's Son then you are Called to participate in The Great Commission. Just ask Holy Spirit in Jesus' Name to equip you, fill you, anoint and appoint you to be available to be a Witness to the nations, to be Salt and Light to lead as many as is possible to Jesus God in the flesh to be Saved by The Power of His Holy Spirit. Jesus said in John 14:12:

    "12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."

    Scripture Link: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%2014%3A12&version=AKJV We love you all with Jesus' Holy Love, Mrs.Michelle Katherine Orts with my loving husband Apostlic Ordained Minister David Orts