Hear The Lions Roar Remnant Christian Army » Discussions

Welcome to #HearTheLionsRoarRemnantChristianArmy

  • April 16, 2021
    Welcome everyone! Please feel at home here at our online global Church Hear The Lions Roar Remnant Christian Army. We are a Forever Family in Christ Jesus Our Lord. Feel free to ask for prayer, share scripture, share Praise reports or share your personal testimony. No topic is disallowed. We do not censor but will not tolerate any profanity in here. We do ask that everyone remain respectful to one another speaking Truth in love at all times.

    Have questions? Please ask. We believe in all The Gifts of God and in every Word written down in all 66 Books of The Holy Bible. We believe in One God, The Triune God, Father God, Jesus His Son and The Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus is God in The Flesh and that the ONLY WAY TO God the Father, the ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN is through Jesus God's Son born of The Virgin, Mary the mother of God. We believe Jesus' Holy Sinless Blood was given for all of our sins for all mankind's sins for all time and that Jesus willingly layed down His own life becoming a curse for us overcoming sin and death and Hell. Jesus being sinless, blameless and Perfect, being completely human and 100% God allowed Himself to take our place bearing our sins, diseases, curses absorbing them all and destroying every evil work. Jesus ROSE from the dead after 3 days and nights and is seated at The Right Hand of God His (and Our) Father and is awaiting Father God's appointed moment to return to claim us His Bride, His Holy Church Remnant, His Pride. Jesus is The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus is The Lion King of The Tribe of Judah! Jesus has left us with His Holy Spirit The Comforter so that we will be able to do what Jesus did and even more be because Jesus goes to The Father on our behalf.

    Be Bold. Be strong. Be Ready! Jesus is filling us with His Holy Zeal and with His Holy Roar!

    In Christ Jesus Service and in Jesus' Holy Agape & Perfect Love,

    Michelle Orts, Prophetic Music Minister w/ husband Reverend David A. Orts