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Reading Matthew 11 this morning. There is revelation about who Jesus is and the authority that he gives to us. The disciples of John the baptizer came to him asking if he (Jesus) is the Messiah: Jesus answered them, “Give John this report: ‘ The blind see again, the crippled walk, lepers are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised back to life, and the poor and broken now hear of the hope of salvation!’”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:4-5‬ ‭TPT‬‬ wow! Jesus verified who he was by the redemptive works that he did. And Jesus, knowing the continuation of his redemptive work after his ascension said this:
““I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!” John‬ ‭14:12‬ ‭TPT‬‬ OK so there are two things here. Number one, I am a believer. Number two I will do the same works, even greater works than Jesus. So I look at the list that he gave to the disciples of John the baptizer and I see that these are the works that, a believer and you who are believers reading this Will do. Maybe you are thinking that you are not qualified. Here's what Jesus says about your qualifications:
““For I tell you the truth, throughout history there has never been a man who surpasses John the Baptizer. Yet the least of those who now experience heaven’s kingdom realm will become even greater than he.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:11‬ ‭TPT‬‬‬‬ Do you feel like one of the least of these? Jesus says that your work for him will be even greater than John the baptizer whom he called the greatest profit.

Are you poor, sick and tired? Do you know someone who is? You, a believer in Jesus will make an impact as you step out in faith to do the works that he said you could do. "From the moment John (The baptizer) stepped onto the scene until now, the realm of heaven’s kingdom is bursting forth, and passionate people have taken hold of its power.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:12‬ ‭TPT‬‬ You and I, as believers in Jesus, filled with Holy Spirit passion, are privileged to Impact his kingdom by force: ““Receive this truth: Whatever you forbid on earth will be considered to be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you release on earth will be considered to be released in heaven.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:18‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Believers, let's go after the kingdom! Have a God filled day!

Terri Fair's Album: Wall Photos