“Let me have this power too,” he exclaimed, “so that when I lay hands on people they will receive the Holy Spirit.”
Simon, the former magician, sees how the Holy Spirit is given when Peter and John lay hands on people. He offers them money to buy the power. Peter sternly rebukes him and tells him to repent, which he does.
An angel sends Philip to the desert road, and he meets the treasurer of Ethiopia, a eunuch, who is reading aloud from the book of Isaiah. Philip starts a conversation and tells him the Good News. The eunuch asks to be baptised. As they come out of the water, Philip is snatched away, appearing in the town of Azotus
The ability to lay hands on people and have them filled with the Holy Spirit must have been quite spectacular for a man like Simon to offer money to purchase it.
This is n quiet warming of the heart. This was Pentecost power being released into the lives of the believers. There must have been manifestations taking place through these believers- tongues, prophecy, healing, miracles and so on.
Simon had a good heart. He repented immediately when rebuked. His problem was that he did not understand God’s economy.
Human economics is about scarcity- we allocate limited resources by price through the laws of supply and demand.
In God’s kingdom there is no scarcity. The key word in God’s economy is abundance. There was no need for Simon to pay Peter for the gift because it is freely given.
When christians are afraid of losing their possessions or worry about whether they have enough, they show that they are not really trusting God’s provision.
When christian ministers demand money for their services, they also show they are not really trusting God- even when they own several personal jets.
We have received, and continue to receive, so much from God’s hands. This grace constantly pours spiritual gifts into our lives, if only we will receive.
Salvation is free.
The Holy Spirit is free.
The gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit are free.
Why? Because God gives freely and abundantly.
Lord, as we approach the Easter weekend with all its depiction of grace, help me to rejoice in you regardless of circumstances. Thank you Father that your grace is always free. Amen.