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Reflection on Acts 9:1-19

But the Lord said, “Go, for Saul is my chosen instrument to take my message to the Gentiles and to kings, as well as to the people of Israel.

Saul is obsessed with persecuting christians. He goes to Damascus to arrest any that he finds there.

On the road, a light from heaven shines down and a voice calls out, “Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?” Saul is struck with blindness, and his companions lead him into the city.

A believer named Ananias is sent by the Lord to go and find Saul. Reluctantly Ananias goes, and he lays hands on Saul, and Saul’s sight is restored.

It must have been somewhat scary for Ananias to hear that the Lord wanted him to go to see Saul, the great persecutor of christians.

According to the world, a leopard cannot change its spots. A criminal is always a criminal, a sex offender always a sex offender, a liar always a liar.

While it is true that we cannot change ourselves, it is also true that when we encounter Christ, rapid and dramatic change is possible.

Saul, the great enemy of the church was transformed into Paul, the great apostle of Christ.

In this verse, the Lord describes Saul as His chosen instrument. The zeal for truth that drove him to persecute christians was the same passion that enabled him to withstand imprisonment, beatings, and shipwrecks for the sake of the gospel.

Paul would later take the message to the Gentiles and to kings. He would carry it to the heart of the Roman Empire, form where it would spread right across the world.

Father, may I be so consumed by your grace that I take your Good News to my friends, my family and my neighbours. Amen.

Keith Bates's Album: Wall Photos