The church then had peace throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, and it became stronger as the believers lived in the fear of the Lord.
Saul begins to preach about Jesus in the city of Damascus. His preaching becomes more powerful, and some of the Jews plot to kill him. Some believers lower him over the city wall in a basket at night to escape.
Saul travels to Jerusalem, but the apostles do not believe he is truly a believer. Barnabas works as a go-between smoothing the way for Saul’s acceptance.
The church has peace for a while and grows in the Holy Spirit.
Meanwhile Peter travels from place to place, preaching and healing the sick. He heals a lame man in Lydda and raises a girl from the dead in Joppa. Many people come to believe the Good News.
With Saul, the chief persecutor, being saved, the church experiences peace and grows stronger.
The christians started to grow in their understanding of walking with Jesus. “All the believers lived in the fear of the Lord.” This does not mean they were terrified of Jesus. Rather it means they carried an attitude of reverence- worshipping and obeying the Lord.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. To seek to live our lives the way God intends is indeed very wise. Many people who claim to be christians are theoretical believers. They hold on to an intellectual belief in the facts about Jesus, but they don’t allow those facts to change their heart. They live with sin and tolerate their sin as a normal part of their life.
As the believers lived for Jesus, the Holy Spirit brought people to faith. It is interesting that there is no great evangelistic campaign, just believers living for Jesus, and the Holy Spirit bringing a harvest.
While it is true that the church often thrives through persecution, it is also true that times of peace can also bring growth for the church.
Than you Lord that whether times are tough for christians or easy for us, you are the Lord of the church. Help me to surrender entirely to you, to be used for your purposes. Amen.