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Reflection on Acts 19:1-20

Then, when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke in other tongues and prophesied.

Paul travels to Ephesus, where he meets some believers. He asks them if they received the Holy Spirit. They had not even heard of the Spirit and had only been baptised in John’s baptism. Paul baptises them in the name of Jesus, and they receive the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues and prophesying.

Paul starts teaching in the synagogue, but is rejected there, so he holds daily meetings in a Greek philosophy hall. He also performs many miracles.

Some Jews who try to use Paul’s and Jesus’ names to cast out demons are beaten up be a demonised man. The spirits say, “We know Paul and we know Jesus, but we don’t know you.”

Many people are saved. A great bonfire of books of sorcery is lit to celebrate the change of heart of many pagans.

Some believers who had been taught by Apollos are found by Paul to have not received the Holy Spirit. Their teaching and their conversion were deficient.

How did Paul know there was a problem? Perhaps he exercised the spiritual gift of discernment. Perhaps there was something about the way they spoke or prayed.

Paul baptises them in water in the name of Jesus and lays hands on them to receive the Holy Spirit. They then speak in tongues and prophesy.

When we receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, there will always be a manifestation, a sign of the Spirit’s presence. The gift of tongues is given as a sign of the Holy Spirit as well as a language for prayer. This was one of the first signs on the Day of Pentecost that the Holy Spirit had been poured out.

Some christians still fail to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit because they have not been taught correctly. This is not to say that they are unsaved; they are living a less than ideal life.

Come Holy Spirit and fill every part of me. Let my speech be surrendered to you in tongues, in prophecy, and in testimony. Amen.

Keith Bates's Album: Wall Photos