Photo 28 of 4,050 in Wall Photos

Reflection on Acts 19:21-41

“But as you have seen and heard, this man Paul has persuaded many people that handmade gods aren’t really gods at all. And this is not only here in Ephesus but throughout the entire province.”

Paul feels compelled by the Holy Spirit to go on to Macedonia, and so he sends Timothy and Erastus to prepare the way for him.

In Ephesus a riot breaks out because the silversmiths are seeing their businesses decline due to people following Jesus rather than the local “god” Artemis. The mob seizes some of Paul’s companions and takes them to the amphitheatre.

Eventually the mayor convinces them to disperse and take Paul and his friends to the local court if they think a crime has been committed.

In these riots, as in the current ones happening in the United States, people can be convinced to join in for very different reasons (sometimes no reason at all). A grievance can be twisted or co-opted by outside forces.

Some people were concerned about their loss of income from the decreased demand for idols. Others were concerned because the honour of Artemis is being undermined by Paul’s preaching.

Christians can become a threat to vested interests, whether religious or financial, and even find themselves being targeted because of the changes the gospel brings.

In Australia, it is easy to see how a revival might reduce the demand for alcohol and illegal drugs. It is possible that people who profit from these things might become violent towards christian leaders.

What an honour it would be if we could get to a place where the church is so effective in its mission that we are a threat to harmful businesses. What an honour it would be to see society- wide change happening because of the gospel.

This is happening in many parts of the world today. We pray that it will happen here also.

Lord it is awesome to think that christians can multiply so quickly that they become a threat to some people. Send revival to this land, Lord, so that we might be a part of such a great movement of your Spirit. Amen.

Keith Bates's Album: Wall Photos