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This week’s Parashat is all about water. We begin with a water purification ritual and a passing of the torch from Aaron to his son Eleazar. Then we move to Miriam’s death and a lack of water. Then Moses and Aaron are told to speak to the rock to produce water. Moses instead calls the people rebels and hits the rock twice. This angers God now neither Moses nor Aaron can enter the Promise Land. Aaron dies. The people complain again God sends poisonous snakes to attack the people. Moses sets up a bronze snake for the people to look at. The Israelites have victory over the Amorites.

A lot happens in this Parashat. There is a spiritual changing of the guards over the nation. Miriam the prophetess dies and is not mourned because of the lack of water. A short time later Aaron dies and is mourned for 30 days. We learn Moses is going to die and not be allowed into the Promise Land. Israel is at a crossroads the 1st generation has all died off. Now the generation who has only known miracles, SUPERNATURAL LIVING , is going to have to learn to transition into NATURAL LIVING. They are going to have to do this of their own free will.

We begin in the desert with a water issue. The Israelites travel 3 days and run out of water. They come to an oasis and the water is bitter. God tells Moses to put a branch in the water and the water becomes sweet. 3 days later they travel again and they run out of water. The people complain again. This time God tells Moses to strike the rock and water comes forth. We do not hear about another water crisis for 40 years until Miriam dies.

The event before God gave water the 1st time in the desert we are introduced to Miriam the prophetess who sings a song of thanksgiving after the 1st song sung after the Red Sea. Most every time Miriam shows up it is along with water. The people failed at the oasis they did not have faith in God. God gives them a pass and a do over 3 days later. The people complain and God sees the people are not going to have the faith to believe in Him the way He desires them too so He uses Miriam’s faith to sustain the whole congregation. God tells Moses to hit the rock. The sages call this rock Miriam’s Well. Paul makes reference to this is 1 Cor. 10:4

“and all of them drank the same spiritual water. For they drank from the spiritual rock that traveled with them, and that rock was Christ.”
This rock that Moses hit actually followed the people around the desert and gave them water for 40 years. Sounds crazy right, but all the external writings point to this. Why else would the people not have another water crisis for 40 years? Now Miriam dies and the well runs dry.

God is telling the people you cannot live on Miriam’s faith anymore. They have to have their own. God sustained the people in the supernatural wilderness and He will sustain them in the ordinary natural everyday life too. They just have to believe in Him even when there are not miracles happening everyday.

How does this relate to us today? I believe God is moving us back to a place of the SUPERNATURAL. 3 years ago we lost Billy Graham. No one person has stepped up to take his place nor do I think any one person will. I believe God is finished with the superstars and is looking for everyday normal people to live, move and activate the SUPERNATURAL right where they are. That has always been the plan. God used superstars because no one else would step up. Now is the time we all rise up to the power and authority Jesus came to give us. We no longer have to wait we just have to believe.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos