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This week’s Parashat tells us about Korah and his rebellion. We learn he said all of Israel is Holy and then God opens the ground and swallows Him his tent and his family. Then God deals with his followers.

What is interesting is we are actually introduced to Korah and his family 4 weeks ago in our Parashat reading. In Numbers 4 it talks about the duties of the Kohathite which Korah is a Kohathite. He is Moses’s cousin and a clan leader. He is responsible for moving the Holy of Holies, but he is not able to lay eyes on it or he will die. After moving the Holy things a few times he becomes frustrated. He begins to complains to others to the point he turns Dathan, Abiram, and On against Moses and Aaron. There murmuring and complaining turns 250 other leaders against Moses and Arron.

Now what we do not get from the King James or any other translation of the Bible is that Aaron and his sons COVER UP the Holy items before Korah can move them the word used to cover up also is the same word used when the Earth opens up and SWALLOWS Korah and his associates their tents and families. Acording to the Midrish Korah and his followers put on blue clothing which represented the blue fabric that the Holy items were covers with.

By Korah’s actions and words God judged him and his followers. He said they were all Holy and they covered themselves with the blue fabric which SWALLOWED and COVERED UP the Holy of Holies. God opened the earth and SWALLOWED, COVERED UP Korah, his family, coconspirators, and all their possessions.

Be careful of your words and actions against those who God has placed in authority over you.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos

  • Chris James
    Chris James
    June 8, 2021 - 1 likes this
  • Maria Marmara
    Maria Marmara Thank you brother Chris for these information and the message about Korah. You help us understand the days we are living in. Johnny Enlow said also about the darwin's arch that collapsed in the galapagos island. God is talking to the world...
    June 8, 2021 - 2 like this
  • Sherrie Smith
    Sherrie Smith Thank You for all your teaching! And, I heard that to about darwin’s arch collapsed too. God truly is talking to us
    June 9, 2021 - 2 like this
  • Sharlene Zadrowski
    Sharlene Zadrowski Great is the word of the Lord!
    June 11, 2021 - 2 like this