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This weeks Parashat is the spiritual death of a generation. Last week’s Parashat we see the Israelites complaining about God and the Manna He provided. Then the leadership (Aaron and Miriam) turned on Moses. Before we go any further we have to go back to Exodus 4:1-9. Here we see 3 signs Moses is suppose to use to convince the people (Israelites) God is with them and Moses is His chosen servant.

While in Egypt Moses used the 1st sign in front of Pharaoh. Word went out to the people about what happened. Then Moses meets Pharaoh at the Sea of Reeds and turns the water to blood. Moses uses the 3rd sign God told Him to use to convince people God is going to set them free. Moses never used the second sign the sign of LEPROSY.

Now Moses is being attacked by his family Aaron and Miriam. God calls Moses, Aaron, & Miriam to the Tabernacle where God causes Miriam to have LEPROSY the 2nd sign God gave Moses at the Burning Bush. These signs were for the purpose of convincing the Israelites that God is with them and Moses is who God has placed in charge. (Notice God didn’t punish Aaron. Aaron was the High Priest the one who is supposed to stand in the Gap for the people.)

The people complained about the Manna. They even began to manipulate it and make cakes out of it. The leadership complained about Moses saying they were just as capable as Moses to lead the people. So far we have 2 strikes against the people. This week we get the final strike.

Moses sends 12 (the number of government) spies into the land. The spies scouted the land for 40 days. They come back with fruit and the report of how great the land is. They then tell the people there are giants in the land 10 men brought negative news about the land. 10 is the number of testing and these 10 men failed the test.

Because of fear the people listened to the reporters of negative news. Do you see it, FAKE NEWS! 10 FAKE NEWS reporters and only 2 RIGHTEOUS reporters. The people fell for the louder, fearful, Fake
News. This caused an entire generation to die in the wilderness.

Now look at today we have so many news outlets spreading FAKE NEWS. We only have a small few telling the truth. We have a pandemic with a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. We have a vaccine that is said to manipulate your DNA. Here again we have FEAR and people changing things and manipulating things that God says is perfect. An entire generation missed out because they listened to the wrong voices.

God has been using this Pandemic to get His people’s attention. The government can’t save you. The stimulus checks they provide can’t save you. God is testing us to show us where we are at. He has used the pandemic to separate the sheep from the goats, & the wheat from the tare. Which side are you on?

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos

  • Chris James
    Chris James Have you tried doing it on a computer? I find somethings don’t work on my phone that work on a computer on this platform.
    June 4, 2021 - 2 like this
  • Mary Yancy
    Mary Yancy No, I’ve yet to get on XAPiT from a literal desk or laptop!! . But I have gone to their website Thru safari on my phone. I have not tried that yet.
    June 4, 2021
  • Lynn Griffin
    Lynn Griffin Bless your heart. Not being cynical either. I pray God blesses you with revelation
    June 5, 2021 - 2 like this
  • Elaine Bennett
    Elaine Bennett I just ordered your book. Thank you for sharing the information about it.
    June 20, 2021 - 2 like this