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This weeks Parashat tells us about the up rises Moses had to deal with. The people complain and God tells him to pick 70 people to help him. Those 70 people God said He will take some of the Spirit that is upon Moses and place it on the 70 so they can help bear the burden of the people along with Moses. The 70 leaders prophesied at this event the only time they ever did so. 2 of the leaders chosen stayed in the Tabernacle and they began to prophecy in the camp. Joshua became upset and asked Moses to make them stop, but Moses said he wished all of the people were prophets. This gives us some insight into Moses and his character we read later in this weeks Parashat.

The people complain about not having meat so God gets angry and gives them enough quail to feed them for a month. They gorge themselves and God become angry and His fire killed many they named the place graves of gluttony.

Then Moses deals with his own family turning on him. Miriam and Aaron attack Moses because of his wife. They questioned was Moses the only one who God has spoken through? God heard it and called all 3 to the Tabernacle to get the family spat under control once and for all. God tells Miriam and Aaron that Moses is different from everyone else. He is the most trusted in all of God’s house. His does not speak to him in riddles, dreams, or visions. God speaks with him face to face.

In the previous chapter we are told that Moses is the most HUMBLE man on the planet. That is why he is set apart. God punishes Miriam with leprosy, Aaron immediately begs Moses to save her. Moses cries out to God. God tells them to let her live outside the camp for 7 days in order to purify herself.

Later we read in Revelation 11 about 2 witnesses. This is a complete inverse of the what we read about Miriam and Aaron. They came against Moses and God. Here we have 2 witnesses who are for the Lord who will come to do might works without any ego or self promotion.

When we look at the writings, and events that parallel in the Bible, we can learn a lot about what God is doing.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos