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This week we learn that Balaam is who advised the Midianites how to cause Israel to fall. They followed Balaam’s advice and caused the Israelites to worship idols. This week we also read that Moses sends out the men of war to take the Midianite Kings and Balaam out. Those who went to war got a larger portion, but everyone received a portion of the plunder. The warriors received 50% to divide amongst themselves and the rest of the people receive 50% to divide up amongst themselves. Then everyone gave a portion to the Priests and the Levites. Part of the land was given to two and half tribes. Then we are told about all of the travels of Israel during the 40 years in the wilderness. Followed by laws about the Levite’s cities and women who inherit property.

I encourage you to read Isaiah 66. This is the season we are in. God is going to expose the Balaams of this time. He is then going to take them out. If you have been used by a Balaam repent and get your heart right now. God is not putting up with sin anymore.

If you have been fighting for righteousness it is time for you to receive your portion of the spoils.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos

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