Photo 33 of 213 in Wall Photos

This week Moses is still giving the generation that is about to go into the land for the 1st time a recap of the past 40 years. God speaks through Moses letting the Israelites know that they were not chosen because of their greatness. They are not getting the land because they are good or better than the other nations. They are getting the land because of the evil the other nations have committed. They are getting the land because of the Promise God made to Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob. Moses then drives this point home by reminding them of the Golden Calf incident.

God is about to promote His People. He is not promoting us because we are perfect. He is not promoting us because we are better than those in the world. He is promoting us because of His Covenant with us and because those in power have been corrupted. He has given them opportunity after opportunity to get things right. Time is speeding up and their window of time is running out. Don’t fall into the trap they did when promotion comes. Don’t think you did this yourself. Don’t allow pride in, stay pure and keep God as your 1st love.

Now let’s look at the Golden Calf. If you have been following my writings on the Parashats you will know that the Golden Calf has been a reoccurring theme God has been using since the 15 days to slow the spread. God has also revealed that California the Golden State AKA the Golden Calf State is to be watched in this season. Keep your eyes on California God is speaking to us through this state.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos