Photo 34 of 213 in Wall Photos

This week’s Parashat hits 2 important themes this week. 1st when you offer gifts to God only offer them in the place He shows you. 2nd when you rule over people and they become your servant let them go and set them up for success when they leave.

Let’s look at the 1st theme. When you bring gifts do it the right way at the appointed place. You can eat meat any time just spill the animals blood on the ground. Don’t make your grill or bbq pit an alter to God. What happens when we honor God in a more convenient way we begin to compromise and that is when idol worship comes in. God says very clear this week through Moses do not honor me the way other nations honor or worship their gods. He finds it detestable. They offer their children through fire which I hate.

The 2nd theme is one that we as Americans have missed with climbing the corporate ladder. We are trained to do whatever it takes to get ahead. We have to be the best, but at what cost? When people serve us they become our responsibility. We have an obligation to take care of them. We are not to use and abuse them, nor take credit for what they do. It is our job to train them and equip them to go out on their own. However if they choose to stay with us because of the relationship we are to make them a permeant part of our family. We must remember Jesus said the one who serves is the greatest in the kingdom. We need to serve more and dictate less.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos