Photo 35 of 213 in Wall Photos

This weeks Parashat is all about justice. Which is extremely interesting since Mike Lindell is hosting a Cyber Symposium this week about the election. Coincidence I think not. The Parashat begins with selecting righteous judges. Then moves into idolatry and the need for 2 witnesses before a Verdict can be made. Then if a case is to hard for a local judge bring it the House of the Lord and let the Levitical Priests or the judge on duty rule on the case. No matter what this judge says follow his verdict any who doesn’t must be put to death.

The next thing we learn is that kings or rulers are to be native to the nation no foreigner can rule over you. The king is not to build up large stables and accumulate mass wealth for himself. (Sounds like our leaders missed that one as they seem to line their own pockets.) The king is to write a copy of the God’s word in the presence of the Levitical Priests. He is to keep the word with him and read it daily. Wouldn’t the world be a different place if our leaders just did this one thing?

The word goes on about holy living Cities of refuge, more about justice. Don’t move any boundary markers. Don’t take peoples land. Funny we hear our leaders talking about no one will own anything, but be happy. Then the word says if some one maliciously accuses someone the judgment that person tried to bring on an innocent should be placed on them. I just keep thing back to all the Russia, Russia Russia and impeachments. Something is about to circle back for some people here pretty soon.

The word continues on and speaks about proper protocol for waging war. Make no mistake we are at war. We are not to war with flesh and blood, but we are to battle. If you read Deuteronomy 20 and change a few words such as town to school board, mayor, council person, or governor you have the strategy for making real change in our nation. Then where it talks about killing and destroying the people change that to destroy their policies and ideas they put in place. Remove everything they set up that is detestable and an abomination to our God. If we wake up and do these things in a very short time we will be back on the right track.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos